Illusion Technology & 9/11?

6 months ago

This is an excerpt from Chris Hampton's 2020 documentary film called - 9/11 Alchemy "A Big Idea".

Chris discusses with Richard D. Hall, his "Flight 175" - 3D Radar Analysis, and other the issues regarding what is captured in the video evidence, such as the impossible speed of the airplane and also the crash physics.

Chris also looks at some of the contractors involved on 9/11, and their involvement with advance technologies such as directed energy and 3D volumetric illusions.

Chris discusses with Mark Conlon new findings involving the Navy's patent of an advanced 3D volumetric ghost imaging missile defence counter-measures system, to project multiple aircraft decoys into space/air to counter missile attacks.

He also discusses possible involvement of the illusion technology to explain the anomalies of the airplanes on 9/11.

Chris explores with Mark Conlon the future implications for such illusion technology being used in a possible 'Project Blue Beam' staged alien invasion scenario, along with the Pentagon and media's notable change in attitude towards the UFO subject and sightings, and possible psychological priming of the public for such a Blue Beam event.

Full documentary:

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