Total Conflict Resistance (game review & suggestions for a great game)

7 months ago

This video was already made half years ago. The game was still in early access (and still is), but now as I watched this video again, I want to share it here with you. I didn't publish this video anywhere before.
The game already has one DLC, even it still remains in early access. I sincerely hope they are not running out of money while developing the game. I have seen many similar games turning into abandonware, just because they don't make enough sales. I like this game and wish they'd keep on developing it. We don't have that many good single player games with smart bots, and this really looks promising. Two thumbs up.

There is one song played here in the video:
Monty Python's "universe song"

I am giving up the style to add extra music to my videos, because even there is no problem to play some music, some songs need to be muted on copyright grounds. So, on this video I still kept the style of playing a song, but unless I get some real money deal, then let's just forget the songs and focus on gameplay. Maybe Rumble could make a deal with some music publisher to automatically give some part of the profit to artist/publisher if a song from any specific database was used in the video. That way you could also little bit support some new artist who don't have much sales/fame yet. Just my idea.

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