Kemp Couldn’t Come To GA Convention But He Is At RNC Convention

6 months ago

Kemp could not come to the GA convention that Doanld Trump came to… Kemp was still part of the stop Trump in GA. Marty saying that Trump hasn’t earned her vote. The governors of GA are falling stars. They have sold out your country and sold out your president. They couldn’t come to your convention in GA, the last 2 state conventions. This governor has not attended a GA GOP function. But he was the speaker at the GA delegate breakfast, and possibly 2 Dominion lobbyists were in the room. Kemp got a hero's welcome. If you look at the delegate list in GA with the exception of a few, Kemp is their hero. Josh McKoon builds the delegate list that they like, don’t care what the republicans of GA want. Marty spoke at the breakfast. Brian is doing interviews everywhere.

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