📱 How "Genned Up" Are You? 🤔 | Mark Stross : Tech Visionary & Author

6 months ago

Do you have so much information inside your brain fed to you by your mobile devices that you're angry, frustrated, or excited, but completely motivated because you're dependent on that constant influx? 📲

If this sounds like you, then you're "genned up." This English expression beautifully defines our social media dependency—when you're overly exposed to a topic and become excited by it. It’s a perfect way to describe how we’ve become dependent on the endless stream of information from our devices. 🌐

In my book, Killer Tech and the Drive to Save Humanity, I explore these concepts in depth. Let’s understand our tech dependency and reclaim our focus. 💡

#MarkStross #KillerTech #TechAddiction #DigitalDependency #SocialMediaDetox #TechAwareness #StayInformed #DigitalWellness #TechMindfulness

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