Illumi-Naughty Or Illumi-Nice?

7 months ago

James 1:17 says "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning."

God knew you before you came here. So God is aware of a very specific vibration that connects from the beginning of all time and the purpose of your creation. Some connect to their highest level; that which is aware of God and his spirit in material. While others quite intentionally avoid their gifts blindly in pursuit of a much larger picture.

Illuminates, or the illuminated, are people that share their gifts or follow the path that God has given them. Now there are only two choices, like a one and a zero, illumi-naughty or illumi-nice. Now when we look at this choice it’s most important to note that judgment is not an option. When we get caught in judgment, we get caught in a false possibility that God isn’t in control, and that things are new.
This is not new. It is new for illuminates, for through Christ all things are new. Shining the light that God gave you is to connect to God's original intention for your creation.

Now illumi-“naughty” is me being silly about modern day illuminates who declare material over God, whether intentionally or not. It’s also possible that physical illumination hasn’t occurred, but their God-given talent is no longer practicing freewill and therefore are unable to connect to their higher self. Illumi-nice would be one who expresses their God-given talent whilst giving God all the credit or glory. One is not good, while the other is bad. God is good always.

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