Wellness Wednesday - Sharon Palmer, Clinical Genetics Practitioner

7 months ago

For Wellness Wednesday on the 17th July, we welcomed Sharon Palmer.

Sharon is a Clinical Genetics Practitioner and the founder and Clinical Directory of iDNA Health. She has specialised in clinical genetics for over 13 years, and has treated thousands of patients using their genetic data. She has seen first-hand how genetics can support people with better understanding and outcomes around all aspects of health.

Sharon's presentation looks at how clinical genetics can identify intolerances and allergies. No more food challenges, elimination diets or skin-pricking tests needed!

Here are Sharon's social media links -

Podcast Genetics Decoded: https://linktr.ee/geneticsdecoded
Instagram Sharon Palmer: sharonpalmergenetics
Instagram iDNA Health Clinic: idnahealth

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PHA Australia https://www.pha-australia.org

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