Wig Watch: Mark Bury

3 months ago

Judge #MarkBury of #Hull #HullCrownCourt told #SimonPritchett: 'I suggest you get out more." after Pritchett accessed illicit material on #Snapchat .

'What you have been doing over an 18-month period is downloading and retaining indecent images of children and extreme pornography images.

'You have no history of contact sexual offending. There is no suggestion that you are a risk of it.

'You must understand that the seriousness of this offending is that each image that you have possession of represents an image of an abuse of a child.

'Okay, you didn't take the photograph of the abuse and you, even less, were not the abuser but if there wasn't market for this sort of offending, then fewer children would be abused in the first place. That's why it's serious.'

Pritchett was prepared to admit that he had an interest in bestiality.

'You need to stop doing that as well,' said #JudgeBury.

Pritchett lived in a coastal area and there were plenty of things that he could do to 'get some fresh air and meet people' rather than 'sit in your room and access images like this'.

Pritchett was given 30 days' rehabilitation and a five-year sexual harm prevention order.


LARA OLSZOWSKA, "Seedy seaside pervert", The Daily Mail, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13640827/Seedy-seaside-pervert-46-330-indecent-images-children-bestiality-pictures-told-judge-spared-jail.html

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