Investigation finds AirBnB failed to protect guests from hidden cameras

6 months ago

Investigation finds AirBnB failed to protect guests from hidden cameras - Share this video everywhere, make it super viral! Expose these sick twisted intentionally perverted money chasing corporatist psychopaths at Airbnb. They're desperate to keep this hidden out of public scrutiny, it could destroy their mega billion dollar annual global business. They've used certain legal restrictions to suppress any further lawsuits or disclosure to the public, actually encouraging this behaviour to continue and profit from it. Your privacy and family's privacy is at risk!

Originally aired on CNN investigations -
WCCO - CBS Minnesota @wcco

10,637 views Jul 10, 2024
A six-month investigation led to shocking discoveries. The company, not only failing to protect guests from being recorded, worked to keep complaints from getting out to the public.

No room for privacy: How Airbnb fails to protect guests from hidden cameras
By Isabelle Chapman, Majlie de Puy Kamp and Audrey Ash, CNN
16 minute read
Updated 9:40 PM EDT, Tue July 9, 2024

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