The Rock Almighty. Your Calling Might Not Be What You Expect...

7 months ago

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There are occasional twists and turns in our walk with Jesus. As we have plans and it's good to do so. Be always mindful that his purpose for our lives will always prevail. Let's Rock!

Developing Faith Through Adversity
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Trials are an opportunity to experience our heavenly Father’s faithfulness and strength.
2 Corinthians 11:23-30
The apostle Paul spent over half of his life serving Christ, and yet he experienced suffering. It doesn’t seem fair, does it? Why would God let one of His servants go through so much pain? We may be asking the same question because of issues we face today. Many believe the Lord should prevent hardship, but He doesn’t necessarily do so in this life.
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Music video credit:
David Zaffiro - To The End
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