A Migrant PoS Spewing Hate Whilst Hiding His Face

7 months ago

🚷 🇮🇪 Migrant calls for other migrants to “strap up” and “decap” short for decapitate Irish citizens. #Coolock

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This is what often happens when developed countries allow unvetted migrants into their country, their offspring are often poisonous seeds that grow up to hate the country they find themselves living in but they will never leave, so they destroy the country they are in . These scumbags will then go on to bite the hand that feeds them. This wanabe tough-guy then spews hate by the bucketful as he doesn't have the guts to fully expose his face. The real racists we are dealing with are those migrants who came in this case to Ireland (and other developed countries) and who never contributed themselves to society, and never integrated, and this piece of sh!t is describing himself in his own rhetoric. There is NO white supremacy except the bullsh!t rhetoric being propagandised by the mockingbird media..... 2020 was the year Satan and his minions started to expose themselves, they are the marxist teachers in the "indoctrination" system aka education system; they are the seeds of hate planted years ago in politics; they are the medical staff who began jabbing the gullible with a military grade genetic bioweapon; they are the parasitic elements of the LGBT community who added the extra letters to the "LGBT"; they are the demonic seeds within the BLM movement, a movement whose manifest had a pledge that aimed to "destroy the nuclear family"; they are the elements of the Police who began systematically attacking and victimising their own people whilst ignoring the acts of evil by migrants. Satan's disciples were everywhere, in every nook and cranny of society, parasites whose objectives were to destroy the host they reside in, sleepers who lay dormant for decades as demonic like-minds wormed their way into power, protected by "hate crime laws" and "anti-semitism" so those speaking up get silenced as ideological subversion starts to take shape. The year 2020 was the year these demons had a free leash, we were watching, closely, as they exposed themselves one after the other. We are fast approaching a biblical turn of events and all those demons will be targets for the military alliance. People do not realise that ET's have lived amongst us for thousands of years and many can take the shape and identity of humans. Those who do not believe this will eventually discover the truth.

Ideological Subversion started decades ago and the Politicians who are largely compromised controlled godless, soulless puppets, who were blackmailed by honeypots and pedophilia allowed their own countries get eaten away from the inside by various means, DEI being just one of many so in this case white Christian Irish people get pushed aside in preference for insidious groups. Ireland's biggest shock will be the realisation that the Roman Catholic Church's objective was to destroy Christianity, this is why the Jesuit pope sits in the mouth, between the fangs of a viper in the Paul VI Audience Hall, a hall that is built in the shape of a serpent, internally and externally...just look at the images of that building. The Vatican is the controlling hub of world slavery using the birth certificate/cestui sue vie trust scam that started in 1933, the same year as zionist jewboy Adolf Hitler rose to power, the same year as medical experimentation began in Dachau. The Nazis were zionists from the Khazarian-Ashkenazim in western Europe.

It's time the men quit being brainwashed by their beloved "telly" and the mockingbird media and instead use their eyes and brains God gave them. Reject the "bread and circus" you get fed with, and start waking up.

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