How We Allowed Bullies to Run This World and How To Recover From it

7 months ago

The Things We Don’t Say, and How We Got Into This Mess
And when we stop shaming ourselves, and chastising ourselves and limiting ourselves, and oppressing our selves, and we let our selves train this discipline of being someone who can speak truth
How We Allowed Bullies to Run This World and How To Recover From it

In England we are allowing and tolerating Bullies all the time:

In England, if you are quiet in the way you say something- whatever it is: unreasonable, illogical, tyrannical- as long as you deliver it quietly and calmly, people just ‘get on’- they just accept it.
So if you say, “You must give me all your money, and here’s a gun” (pointed at them), that person would just hand over the money (but we don’t have such guns in England- but I am taking an extreme example.)- The Highwayman of Old. No fighting back.
My recent experience (not quite as extreme…:D ), my neighbour:
“I am going to cut the hedge down tomorrow.”
“really? That’s actually something for you and me to discuss….”
It’s you and me on both sides of the hedge. You can’t just say you are going to cut it down.”
But, because she just said it in a quiet way, she didn’t raise her voice, she just said, “that’s what I am doing” and when I (responded) -having to keep my voice quiet….because that’s the rules of the game here.If you dont keep your voice quiet, automatically, ‘you’re in the wrong’, you’ve lost any ground you might have had.
I didn’t realise that for quite a long time, until I actually lost my children because of that.
That quiet bully just said, “I am taking the hedge down”. After getting over the initial shock I asked “why” and we had a conversation about that -“you can take down the hedge- half of it, it will survive, I will keep my hedge you can have your fence.” I got the implacable ‘quiet’, resistance”no” from her.
So having brought forth all my possible arguments and I got the stubborn ‘no’. then I added the next layer, which is the ‘fight-back’. I still had to do it quietly- otherwise I would have been automatically ‘disqualified’ for this particular ‘game’.
I put forth my arguments (or inclusion and compromise) and then said that what she was proposing was entirely selfish: a hedge involves two parties, so if you are going ahead with your plan without considering mine, you are selfish.

So I said it, but I said it quietly and then I sent an email to someone who has a little more authority in this matter ( my landlord). So far, the hedge is still there.

3.22 So let’s talk about what happens in England, if you raise your voice.
‘The bully who stays quiet, will get what they want.’
- We could say, that’s a politician, a parent, a teacher.
- Any figure who believes they have some authority over you- as long as they stay, calm and’ quiet’, they have automatically won. Because in England, for some interesting reason that we have in this temperate land, we are ’terrifiiiiiiiiied’ of expressive emotion.
- 4.00 No English person knows how to handle anger, ‘righteous indignation’. Automatically that person’s ‘disturbing the peace.’
- Automatically they are disqualified and they are ‘wrong’ and they are ‘bad’ and they are ‘less’.
- Such an easy way to control an entire population, isn’t it?!
- How did we let ourselves get there?

4.34 Let’s just as Spirit “how we did let ourselves get there?’
How did we as an English people: “quietude rules the day” and any kind of “expressive, emotive language loses automatically”. How did we allow this to come into being?

5.06 “The magnitude of the sound was an important thing in your land of temperance. Sound travels in certain ways through different atmosphere:
a hot atmosphere, a warmer atmosphere, will increase the sound travel but disperse it. Colder keeps the clarity of the sound. A spreading, soft heat, a mild heat, will enable sound to spread. More people will be able to hear what is said. If you want to control somebody, you don’t allow the others to hear. - Think of the architecture of Control in England: Castles.
Cold, damp places mostly, stone.
The stone- you would speak in small rooms- maybe large rooms: stone. Reverberation around that room- not very much ‘escape’ form the room.
6.08 Can you believe the spies and espionage was woven not the architecture? Indeed it was: the architecture of control; stone.
When you wanted to disciple, impose- upon someone, you brought them into your castle and you did it there. You didn’t do it outside. You summoned them to you.

No-one ever talks about this. This is cultural anthropology on a very deep level in terms of emotion.
Emotional Intelligence is something I specialise in because I love it. It is the underlying way we communicate with each other. 
-Some people say its astrology…well, of course, that can set your tone an then you have to work through it but, how we use our emotion- which is the direct communication through our body, from our Soul, to interact with each other, - that’s how we create community, or not.

So, stone castles…that as the ‘summoning place’ for the control of sound.
you could keep secrets,
you could hold audiences.
you could make sure that sound- those ‘edicts’ did not escape.
If you did it outside, other people would know. You had less power.
Why do you have less power if more people know?
- you have witnesses.

7.22 Anything else? Yes:

High voices: so high voices, so female, have higher-pitched voices.
( again, no-one ever speaks about this.)
Higher pitch travels faster, because it is a higher frequency.
Look on the piano: when you hit the high notes, those are very short metal notes, if you go and look inside the piano. They are very short strings of metal, very fine.
If you look down on the lower notes, and they are big fat ones, they are much much longer, to make that sound.
So, when you make a high sound, it travels through the air much faster : female voices travel much faster.
Now, if you do something to a woman's child, the woman, if she is present, if it is a bad thing, will shriek, plea, whatever, with her voice, and whatever strength she's got in her body.
That sound will travel fast through the air.
People will hear.
Babies have much higher pitch sounds, children two; everyone up to the age of 12 has a very high voice. Mostly it's not cultivated, pop music brings it down, and children think they have a lower voice, but they don't. In fact all children if they were allowed to practice their natural range, would have a range up beyond top C, which is a very high note for a soprano female, like me, to sing. (On a good day I can sing up to high D, and I have a big, big range.) So children easily can pop over the edge- why?
Why do children have high-pitched voices?
Because, when they cry, bum that sound travels right through the air very quickly to peoples’ ears: high pitched frequency travels fast.

Now, I am talking about the control of emotion: a female is generally more emotional than a man, she has to be, in order to interact with all of the various wins and extraordinary developments in communications of a baby, and then a child. Remember, a baby cannot speak; it has to make sounds and different body movements, different kind of cries four different kinds of discomfort, and you've got to work it out!
And mostly at the woman, thank goodness, because it is a beautiful job, and when they get tired, the men come in and help too. But, it's mostly the female job to understand and discern and decipher. You have to have this very fine-tuned emotional quality to be able to work with your children.

Men have a very different kind of emotional quality, because if you have got to chop someone's arm off, you do not want your emotion to get in the way, if that arm is about to kill your wife. So their emotional experience is different so that they can be men. So that they can do some of these horrible things that they have to sometimes do: the defence, protection part of the masculine. -Which is of course being worn away by our crazy culture currently. -We will regain it, however.

So, the emotional quality in the voice, is very active in the female: if you do something threatening to her or her child, she is going to squawk! Yes! Thank goodness! And that sound is going to travel.

No, if you want to control a community, a society, and nation, you've got to enable them to be afraid of Their Voice.

I am writing a book, on and off, because I am doing a lot of stuff right now, called, “Your Voice Heals”.
It is about the physical sound of your voice: sung, spoken, it's about your inner voice, coming into the world, -All of that package. This is part of it.

So, it was enabled that our voices, in agitation, were suppressed: the cold, quiet bully wins.

I had a conversation with my neighbour, (another one): perfectly reasonable man, quite sensitive. Not on my frequency, but a nice neighbour to have, when he asked me (because he values me, he feels I'm an interesting good person), how it was going with the hedge? I said I had escalated it with an email, and he was taken aback and said why? Why did you want to do that, didn't you want to keep the peace?
I was fairly shocked, amazed really: why would I just accept what the bully is doing, when I have an option to go and bring someone else as an arbitrator, who should be able to hear my point of view, and present it. Why would I just roll over and accept something bad?
It was amazing that is immediate response was 000 why did you want to disturb the peace?
And I said, hang on a moment this is not peace.

This is me rolling over and accepting a bully.
12.46 Now this is important: look over at the United States of America.
Look what has happened to that people, that beautiful people:
As a child growing up, the Americans coming to our house were always exciting. They weren't always nice. We had a family come and stay with five kids : very wealthy, they spoilt all my toys and threw away my china tea set which they broke, didn't even tell me or apologise, and just went. They were used to lots of material stuff, lots of possessions, ‘bring it in today, throw out any tomorrow!’
that was not how I was brought-up, I was very upset. So I had brashness, but I had energy from America. that’s how I experienced it as a child; my father liked to work there a lot. I knew there was energy there: I always referred to the Americans as ‘the teenagers of the world.’
-Not in a derogatory way, but in the fact that they were challenging the status-quo of control.
As I grew up, and I spent time in the States, I had a year there as a scholarship exchange. I saw the absolute best: oh my God! the beauty and the intelligence and brilliance of the humans. And then the absolute worst, cheek-by-jowel.
And now we see a population ‘intoxified’: completely full of toxic chemicals, form the food, the water, the air, the injections, the medications, ( so-called ). Of course, we still have that amazing class of brilliant genius minds, and those are the ones I love. out of my friends are American, because they are so alive and exciting and powerful and they have a sense of consciousness ion them. But the general population has just been ( I blow a large raspberry here ;) ) turned int a bunch of ‘teletubbies’.
Now in England, we’ve got similar- it’s just that- yes, we have a lot fo ‘poisoning of bodies’ from things, it’s just not as extreme in that way. We have more e’poisoning of the mind’, through the culture. The ‘inculturation’ of our entertainment- so-called. It is so incredible low-level. I couldn’t watch tv even as a child. I ran away from most of it, it was just so disgusting to me.
But the English have been just ‘bloated’ in their spirits. From the emotional indoctrination through the television screens.
We have our ‘slightly-less-outdoorsy’ climate, than the United States. And fo course, the entertainment would become much more- and the alcohol. There is a huge amount of alcohol consumption here- easy ways to control us.

Now, I was going to talk about the Americans: they- those bright, sparky ones with energy, who left the other countries and said, ‘enough is enough!We are fed-up of having our heads chopped-off for disagreeing with you!’’We’re going over here!’
And then there was a bit of a fight, wasn’t there- with the American Indians who actually lived there…..There was a sort of a peace, and then that amazing treaty, “We the people…’ - the Constitution of The United States of America. And there was a brightness and a brilliance to that.
- of, “we have power!”
- “we, as a body of humans, humanity, and we will not tolerate that the governing body wins.” But of course, what happened?
- Big, phat “Capitalism”- which wasn’t really “capitalism’, it just turned out to look like it not he surface, but it was the puppeteers-in-the-background-controlling-through-blackmail-ism…..and the country started to fall apart.
But those wanting to put it back together again, are saying, “ it’s about you, you, you, you and you, standing up, agains the BULLY!”
Now, it’s not such a dire thing over there, if you are a little bit ‘loud.’ (chuckle) in fact, it is a good thing.
If I am a little bit ‘loud’ here, well I am labelled, ‘crazy’, ‘wrong’ weird’ ‘brash’, ‘selfish’, ‘non-feminine’, ‘aggressive’ - have I said enough? Probably.

17.00 As soon as I started getting angry, with my ex-husband for stealing and using my children to hurt me, manipulating them and hurting them left, right and centre- as soon as I started being ‘vocally angry’ - I lost my case.

It was amazing to see. - Even all of my family, sidling up with him because the SHAME for them, of a female being loud, of a female shouting, of a female standing-up for her rights, standing-up for her children, standing-up for what was good, was so shameful to them in their indoctrination!

In order for them to have heard me, they would have had to question what they were holding: a whole lot of false facades, governing and holding-down their now emotional expression.

This is a really important podcast: I had not realised quite how important it was.
The layers of conditioning on our emotional body are so extreme. This is why it’s all taking so long. - What’s the “it”?
Well, this BATTLE, the White Hat revelations, - the things since the 2019/20 revelation with the “Covid Thing”, the scamdemic, the, “oh My God, something is going on in the world, what is it?”
The reason it is taking so long, fo run to so-called, “awaken”, to ‘wake-up’, is because the layers! Oh My God! They are so dense!
If I am still labelled, “wrong” if I raise my voice more than this ( a very moderate smooth tone), for something that is just easy to see, is wrong, - I am cast out.
This is how deep it goes.

19.06 What do we need to do?
Well, we have ‘voices’ in the internet- yet they are accustomed to censorship. There is the Youtube censorship and now Rumble, partly owned by Blackrock, who knows how much of that is now owned, and there is censorship going on in there. The A I algorithms determining what comes to the top. If enough people break through it, you can change it ( the algorithms) , like ‘Beyond Mystic’, they seem to be up there on the leader-board but, our internet is so heavily, heavily censored, manipulated, it is extraordinary.
I posted a picture of a beautiful pink dolphin that was seen recently and the ‘fact-checkers’ said that, ‘that was harmful and dangerous’, because it ‘wasn’t true’ and put my posts to the bottom of the feed. (And my videos detailing how we need to help children are NEVER shown to anyone on facebook- they are heavily censored.)
The is the kind off, ‘insanity’. But we do still have a ‘voice’ if we are persistent and we just say, (long pause ), “I am gong to ignore you.” I could have used another word there, i could have just said, “FUCK YOU!” (smiling broadly. ) Yes.
20.11 If we are persistent and we keep going, - “persevering”- that was a wonderful motto given me by a dear friend of mine, who died many years ago (Patrick Horsbrugh, Notre Dame) - very old when he dies, brilliant guy, who I met, in the States, a Brit, who went to the States…hmmm, I wonder why?!?

When we persevere we break through this censorship- that’s our voice.
In the village- in your village, in your town, - everyone has a village-within a town, within a city….it’s just your local community. - We still have these ‘status-rules’, of what you ‘can or cannot do’. If I am in a conversation with people who, let’s just say, are not of my like-mind, but we are in a social gathering, I have to edit and shift and use my intelligence to decide what bits of information I can deliver, and ‘how’.
- Usually in a jocular manner- little bits of sartorial commentary, funny things, a sharp thing, followed by a soft thing- carefully edited because ( I mime chopping with my arm and hands) we are cutting-through these social mores all the time.

21.30 We are in a time where there is enough information ( there is a LOT of information out there…) for England, there is a ‘thing’ called ‘Council Tax’: it is basically property-tax. That same council the tissues their bills (they are not ‘bills’ in fact, but ‘statements’- if it were a ‘bill’, you might have to pay it- but they are ‘statements’.) are the same people who put their magazines out there, with our money, telling the elderly to go and get injected- basically saying, “we want you killed.”
Now, of course, you can argue your car eon many levels, as to why you should don’t pay that money. There is a lot of information, many different templates of why you shouldn’t pay that money- property tax. And that covers things like the use of the ambulances, some of the local-schools’ money, some of the fire brigade, some tiny bit of the road-repair and signage, the rubbish collection and of course the recycling, from which they make money. It covers those things- 99% of that, I don’t ever use.
Then we have ‘the electricity’: we are still told that we are creating it though burning cola, burning oil, gas, solar, wind, wave power- most of that energy is not created that way. It is actually created by ‘free-energy’, underground- we are just not taught that.
People talk about, “Tartaria, Tartaria, Tartaria!” that old kind of free-energy. We still have that ‘stuff’. We still have that important equipment, and the nuclear power-plants which I did not mention are not actually creating much energy, they are actually creating uranium for the weapons industry, but the energy is actually created i a very different way.
And you say, ‘how on earth can you say that?!’ and I’ll just say, I have a lot of different sources. if you want to, go and look at the work of Cosmic Agency over the last five, six years and there is a lot of information there. Whether you believe they are Taygetans from the Pleiedes or not, it doesn’t matter, but there tis certainly a lot of information about this.
23.41 We are given Electricity Bills and the heads of these companies pay themselves massive bonuses and have increased the price by ‘God-knows-what’. We now know that, unless it is an actual Bill issued to you, there is no urgency to pay it, because it’s all a lie- same with our water. They issue statements. Our water suppliers were sold by the government without our permission, our consent- and the same with the electric. And it goes one and one and one: the so-called, ‘National Health’- er no, it’s the ‘National Killing-Machine’ that I don’t want anything to do with.
I had a car accident three years ago, where my car rolled over twice- i just relaxed, went into a heightened state, came out with not a scratch, - the only scratch I go was from a rose thorn which I picked up form the road, wanting to save the car tyres of other cars from the old rose. I picked it up and got a pricking my thumb (laughing.) That was the only scratch I had but, ‘stupid’ onlookers, who didn’t listen to me ( I had my Rescue Remedy, i was fine, i phone the school to come and collect me)- they called the Ambulance and the police- completely unnecessary. A waste of money, waste of resources, and the ambulance wanted to take my blood pressure and ask me about my inoculations….and I just told them quietly: “None of your business.”
But all that money- it could have gone to give someone a knee scan, to find out why there knee hurts. - the insanity the way our resources re used.

Why am I talking about this?
-The way the country is run?
Because we just sit there and go, “yeahhh” (pathetic face)
But, we have the ability to say, “No”, “no!” “No!” “No!”. We can write a letter. Sone people even dare to go into the courts and say, no, I am not going to stand for you. No, you have no jurisdiction over me.
There is that wonderful story recently of someone doing that and was told, you are gong to come back here, w with us, was taken by the guards, had a little chat with the magistrate in their ‘secret’ rooms, and said, “I’m just going to let you go, because I get it. -We have no jurisdiction over you.
They have no jurisdiction over us.
But, if you get excited. If you get angry- particularly if you are a female - you’ve kind of lost. You’ve kind of lost.
27.24 These layers of control: we have all of these things that we are supposed to pay. We have a governmental structure making decisions where ewe never get to decide. - Where Mp’s don’t turn up to look at important signs to vote on.
That’s just nonsense: all of those people, almost all of those people are owned and bribed anyway.
layers and layers and layers of control, and we just sit back and go, “oh yeah”. (pathetic voice )
“Ohhh, that is, that is aluminium in the skies…and the chemtrail, yeah, BBC told us that recently…..”
27.11 And what do we need in order to waken-up form this state of stupor?
And absurd, obsessive obedience?
It is a shock. And that is why the White Hats keep trying to shock us. Uh! “Wakey, wakey up!” “Break it open!”
The cataclysms are the only things that pull people apart enough to move their social conditioning. And to start to actually experience something real.
Real expression. Real fucking rage. Torment. Despair.

Wouldn’t it be nice if we didn’t have to do it like that?
Now, could we? Hmmm
There was a song I liked as a child: “I’d like to teach the world to sing, in perfect harmony, grow apple trees and honey-bees and keep them company!” (chuckle)
There are more lines to it- but I liked that song, it was like “yeah! can we do this in a nice way?”- through singing or something?
And sometimes, what I have been doing of late with my family- who have still sought to boss me around, in their old typical way:
I told a story to my brother recently, reminding him of something that happened at his wedding. He didn’t have any childrneyet, he wasn’t married yet. i had three small children, I had come over (from Berlin) to help him do the flowers- and of course, I wanted to do something for my brother. I was staying in a house that was not my house,- not kitted out. On my own, young woman 28, with a baby, a two and half year old and a five year old. I got no help from any of my family. I promise you: zero help, zero offers and then this was the extraordinary thing. I didn’t have a car, I was just there with a pushchair. It was so phenomenal, the expectations that were piled on me- because I was always a girl who did things for the family, to make peace. To enable a little bit of harmony to happen in a very harsh, kind of ‘bullying’ structure hierarchy. When the ‘big bully’ was not there, the n’next bully’ was allowed to be the bully. that’s how my family worked: pop-up bullies! (chuckle) I love never described it like that, but that’s how it was.)
And all of these expectations, I did my best as a child to soothe: to at least create some kind of a calming atmosphere rather than pure torment. When it was too much, I just got very ill. That was my way of saying, ( American accented…) “I’m getting’ outta here!” - Not normally to a nicer place actually, so I realised that strategy wasn’t going to work either….
But there I was at this wedding in the preparation time, and I said, “yes, ok, I will do this.” and I planned, gathering wild flowers and making some amazing structures to put up in the marquee. - Beautiful decorations with Hops and wild flowers…and I managed to do it with my children, but it was exhausting. And it was amazing that I was told that I was, “wrong” ( and selfish), “bad” complaining, loud…my children ‘were loud’ - why ‘didn’t i control them?’ It was so bizarre, i tell you, to a human being who has a heart and feelings. It was like, “what planet do you live on? It seems to be very metallic and cold where you live in….” “I am in the human world, where there are three small beings and one adult to look after them, who is also trying to do her best to do something for you and look after herself in an environment that has absolutely zero support.

So I told that story in a very condensed form to my brother, who was bullying me again. And he kind of went quiet- because now, I won’t tolerate it.
We need people like me. (huge chuckle!) We do!
This is why I broadcast, Okay! Because some of you are a little like me: I’m Sagittarian, so I’ve always been like that.
If a class (at school ) was mucking around - my favourite teacher would come in and say, “what’s going on? Is this a special treat?” And I wold say, “yes!” ( knowing they were testing her.) Implying: We’re doing this because the class has decided to annoy you. I would be the ’speaker of the truth’. I couldn’t help myself. (chuckle)
I was always the speaker of the truth and I asked the questions in the class- a bit annoying for the teachers…but I wanted to know things! I wasn’t just going to sit there with ‘blank dead-ends of knowledge’. I wanted to actually know, ‘why’. Why are we studying this? What’s it for? What does this do this? And why does that fit to that? and why are you teaching us this, when last year you taught us something very different about the same subject?
So I’ve always been that person: and we need people like this, because we’ve got to start an avalanche.

And then, I didn’t have that emotional intelligence as a child, I just felt it. So I got the information through trial and error, in the world I do.
With children. WIth acting- yeah, what a brilliant place to give yourself that education and all kinds of artistic endeavours.

32.25 So back to this thing: we’ve got to start speaking more.
If something doesn’t feel right, “say it!”
Okay: say it quietly, if you feel you are starting to ‘quaver’, and your emotion is starting to break-through, take yourself out of that place for a while. Collect yourself, come back.
If you find you have exploded ( explosive noise), don’t beat yourself up for it! Don’t do the ‘walk of shame’.
Say, ‘thank you, thank you so much Spirit, that you came through me.- That I am Human, the I have feelings. - that I am connected to my Spirit and I can feel the disparity of what they are doing, to what my soul knows. Thank you.

33.20 And when we stop shaming ourselves, and chastising ourselves and limiting ourselves, and oppressing our selves, and we let our selves train this discipline fo being someone who can speak truth, you can protect others.
- Whether it is a ‘hedge’! ( chuckle)
- Or a CHILD.
We must.
So all of you , who are on the ‘edge’ of it….yes!
Take this as your empowerment.
Take it, use it, try it out.
- Little ‘bits’…-with that ‘nasty little auntie who is always trying to control you’, or that parent, or that neighbour, or that colleague- it doesn’t matter.
34.06 Once I learned to survive a very nasty little boss back about nine years- and he ‘had it in’ for me.
And i just said to myself, “Enough. I am not going to be bullied anymore.”
And I wrote to the Head and said, “this guy and I, can’t get on, because of A,B, C,D and E. That’s it. I would like to be assigned someone else as my direct boss. And so they just took me out from him and I became my own boss for a while until we got a lovely new person finally to take on his job.

So, there was a person again who wanted to control me and limit me, and in fact, kick me out, because he didn’t like me at all….and I just said, “no!”

And I went to the higher authority. And this is what I do these days:
And if you don’t have a ‘higher human authority’ - you do have a higher authority: you have your spirit.
You could go into yourself: “Spirit, show me what I need to do right now.”
And you give yourself the meditation, you give yourself the peace to receive.
And if you don’t find the peace to do that, what do you do? You go and you say, “Okay! I am not able to get in touch with my Spirit, ‘officially’ because I am too upset, but I know there is something, a force, which created everything. - Some people call it ‘God’, some people call it ‘Source’, some people call it ‘Prime Creation’, ‘Creator’.
Address that energy!
- The power of good, the power of all creation. And say, “This is what I need”.
And you will get it.
So on that note- that’s the introduction, isn’t it? Of how we actually find our self-esteem again.
And become Humans with purpose, and possibility.
And not be slapped around, by the (fucking) bullies.
They are only scared and terrified and completely disconnected.
How dare they think they have any control over us? - Human Beings, who have connection to Source Energy- who love, and who just want to live in a kind of joyful-peace.

I am Dr Isabel Aimee and this is Activating Your human Potential

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4.Be Inspired by My Books:
From Duty to Joy: The handbook for children’s 5-D learning.

The Source-Energy Handbook to Activating Your Creativity

Transmissions From The Planet Zog Books 1,2,&3 Milo & Teal: Birds of a Feather, Vibration Works, & How to Transition.
Stories from future Earth (Zog)

Singing Rainbows: a handbook to using and activating your full singing voice

Brave Souls: How to Act good and Feel better
A guide to the workings of your human emotions and how to successfully transition through them.

5.Play Packages: learning packages to equip your home or place of learning with self-directed, experiential play-tools

6.INSPIRITION @The Speaking House Full ‘Teacher/Facilitator’ Training:
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