Live Chat IndusTokens - R2024-6-24 ound 14 take 1 quick chat

2 months ago

Live Chat IndusTokens
- Round 14 take 1 quick chat
- Monday 2024-6-24 Lunar 5.19

Open The Bible
- Luke 18:1-6

For 2024.June 24
- Lunar 5.19 Julian 6.11
- Tesla Date 5.17
- Groundhog day #197 - Round 14 Day 2 🍿
- OTD ( - Britannica ( - AP (6.24 ( Current ( Events
— 2022.6.24 Roe v Wade over turned

Items related to this chat
1. Financials
- NVDA ( - 2024.6.24 (
— Name ( - Invidia ( - Envy - Ji 4 Du 4 88
— Donald Sutherland 88 (
2. Health
- East Palestine OH ( - vinyl chloride ( - Cl 氯17 (
- China Rocket Long March ( 2C - nitrogen tetroxide ( - unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine (UDMH) (
- Agent Orange ( - Dioxin (
- pH and salt - NHX ( - H+/K+ ATPase (
- Barbara O‘Neil Acid Alkaline balance 1 ( (

Breathe for balance

Enjoy The Journey!

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