Oil & DEBT Make The World Go Round | Hn 40

7 months ago

Adam takes a lesson from Professor Porcupine Hobo about dollars, debt, reserve currencies, and military diplomacy! Strap in! Take notes! There might be a quiz after!

00:00 – Intro. Please welcome to the stage, Hobo Hizzie! Also, Tyrone talks about charts 'n' stuff.
02:48 -- Adam briefly interrupts Tyrone's brilliant point so he can say, "ceteris paribus". Then Tyrone goes back to the sweet charts to show the importance of oil to global trade.
06:30 -- Tyrone's shows some charts about historical global reserve currencies. Also: The Petrodollar!
17:51 – This chart is a bad one. US Government Debt as a % of GDP.
20:44 – Is the situation as dire as Tyrone says? Adam points to an article that isn't quite as pessimistic -- but still pretty darned pessimistic (link below).
24:18 -- Adam asks for a porcuprediction! What will the US do about potentially losing the ability to inflate the world reserve currency?
31:41 -- Tyrone's makes a compelling argument for a Mussolini 2028 presidential run.
32:37 -- Could nuclear energy and batteries and robots and A.I. save us all? Can we increase productivity enough to save us from this crisis?
36:02 – Outro.

Newsletter referenced: https://www.crisisinvesting.com/p/crisis-investing

Article referenced: https://mises.org/mises-wire/why-regime-needs-dollar-be-global-reserve-currency

Join us at: https://hamannature.substack.com/

Adam's other show: https://naturalorderpodcast.com/

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