No Game Engine Game Dev: Word Sleuth 015: Text input for Settings (Edit preset reject characters)

2 months ago

Streamed on 2024-07-16 (

Game Engines are for sissies!

Today the goal was to edit the preset list of characters to reject. Of course to do this, we needed a TextEdit component. So I built one. It borrowed some of the ideas we explored yesterday with the IntSpinBox, but ended up being a bit more involved with the cursor. I plan to use the TextEdit component in the IntSpinBox some time in the future because it's so much better.

Once that was done, plumbing it into the existing game mechanics was no problem. A few more minutes added to limit the user input a bit and things are looking really good.

We still haven't gotten around to volume. We'll do that tomorrow and it should be pretty easy since we already have spin boxes implemented.

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