Curiosities of the Middle Ages that you didn't know

7 months ago

Curiosities of the Middle Ages that you didn't know

Do you want to know something that most people don't know about medieval hygiene? …Spoiler alert- it's grosser than you imagine! …Picture this- you're at a royal banquet in the grand Palace of Versailles, …but there's not a bathroom in sight. …Well yes, people were just throwing their “needs” out the window! …And those elegant fans? They were not for heat, but to mask the stench of unwashed bodies. …So why do brides carry bouquets? … Well, in June, after their annual bath in May, the flowers covered the lingering odors. …Romantic, huh? …And what about “saved by the bell”? … In England, a rope was tied to the wrist of the deceased, connected to a bell on the surface. … Did you wake up buried alive? You were ringing the bell! …Medieval life was a real journey, wasn't it? …Stay curious and see you next time!

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