Biden In Vegas Shouts At The NAACP, Battles The Teleprompter, And Praises The BLM Riots

6 months ago

Posted • July 16, 2024: Desperate to turn around his collapsing re-election effort, Joe Biden is hitting at the far-left highlights as we head into the thick of campaign season. On Tuesday, the president addressed the NAACP, or as he called it during his speech, the "NAAC." The moment I saw he was using a regular teleprompter and not his jumbotron, I knew there'd be issues. I just want to pull this guy aside and ask him why he's always shouting. In his recent interview with Lester Holt, Biden was also angry in his pronouncements. It comes across as completely unhinged. Why does he continue to do it? I can only suspect that he believes it makes him appear strong and in charge. The rest of us are playing out the "why are we shouting" scene from "Anchor Man." -- Biden is rambling incomprehensively again. -- Biden can't even lie without sounding like a cooked moron: "Project 2024."

Biden did mention his new rent control plan, which is objectively insane. Biden claims he's "gonna bring rents down," then forgets what he's talking about. Yikes! -- Biden: "They want to prosecute political enemies!" THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT DEMOCRATS HAVE DONE. -- Biden says he's "putting homeownership in reach," even as his policies have DESTROYED the American Dream. -- Biden says the 2020 "Summer of Love" riots — in which entire city blocks were destroyed and livelihoods were upended — were just peaceful protests. (…)

• More at: RedState - Biden in Vegas Shouts at the NAACP, Battles the Teleprompter, and Praises the BLM Riots

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