FlyOver Conservatives-ISRAEL-JESUS CENTER STAGE-OUR VICTORY-Prophetic Report-Stacy Whited-Captions

7 months ago

Prophecies | ISRAEL, JESUS CENTER STAGE, OUR VICTORY - The Prophetic Report with Stacy Whited - Dave Hayes, Robin Bullock, Kim Clement, Dutch Sheets, Barry Wunsch, Julie Green, Amanda Grace, Delora OBrien

In a series of recent prophetic messages and discussions, various speakers have shared significant insights. Dave Hayes on June 24, 2024, discussed the unfolding of divine plans and the importance of spiritual vigilance. Robin Bullock, in his 11th Hour session on June 25, 2024, provided a detailed analysis of prophetic events, urging believers to prepare for imminent changes. Kim Clement's December 13, 2014, message highlighted a pivotal moment in prophecy, resonating with current events. Dutch Sheets on June 21, 2024, emphasized the central role of Jesus in upcoming transformations. Robin D Bullock's session on June 23, 2024, reiterated the urgency of the times through multiple prophetic declarations. Julie Green, delivering a message on June 25, 2024, spoke of a significant shift in power structures. Amanda Grace, on June 24, 2024, provided an extended prophetic discourse on the divine realignment of leadership. Lastly, Delora OBrien referenced a profound message from Kim Clement dated January 26, 2007, reinforcing the continuity and fulfillment of long-standing prophecies.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from FlyOver Country! ‼️WAKE UP•SPEAK UP•SHOW UP‼️ The original video may be watched here:


𝗩𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗼𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗥𝗲𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗿𝗰𝗲𝘀 𝗥𝗲𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲𝗱 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗦𝗵𝗼𝘄 -

Dave Hayes June 24, 2024
34:04 - 38:56

Robin Bullock 11th Hour June 25, 2024
44:58 - 56:50

Kim Clement December 13, 2014
1:05 - 11:29

Dutch Sheets June 21, 2024
King Jesus Takes Center Stage

Robin D Bullock CI June 23, 2024
1:26:14 - 1:29:32
1:29:41 -1:31:20
2:37:23 - 2:38:28
2:45:40 - 2:48:57
2:59:29 - 3:00:18

Julie Green Delivered June 25 given June 21
4:36 - 11:16

Amanda Grace June 24, 2024
14:09 - 31:09
33:06 - 40:08
40:22 - 52:36

Delora OBrien Kim Clement Jan 26, 2007
45:18 - 49:28

Are you ready for Shofar-Blowing, Jesus praising, Power-Packed Wednesday Morning session with Stacy Whited?! If not, then get your mind right because we are LIVE at 11:11AM CST.



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What are the prophets saying? Well, this week, we have the opportunity to interview Dave Hayes. We've been really looking forward to that. He's the praying medic. Uh we started following him many years ago maybe like 2018 around that time. Now, we see him on Elijah's streams. Um just a really great man. If you didn't see that show, you can also find that on Flyover. liv e or the Flyover app under the Flyov er Conservative Show. It came out on Monday. That was an amazing interview. I was so excited when I got done. I started texting friends like you've gotta check out this interview. Just the information was absolutely fabulous. I'm going to play a portion on today's show of what Dave was talking about. The question I asked was about Iran, what's going on in Iran but he had a dream that the Lord gave him about what he's doing in protection for Israel. Check this out. Can you talk a little bit about Iran? Kind of what's been going on there because I think there's a lot of people think okay they've got a lot of money. It seems like they're they're advancing their nuclear things. Can you touch on that? Yeah so ever since there was a sanction passed in the I'm trying to think if it was Germany, UK, and France I believe that passed a resolution condemning Iran. And its uranium enrichment program and ever since then that was about a month ago ever since then Iran has severely significantly ramped up its uranium enrichment program they've added more centrifuges they are very quickly accelerating their program and what a lot of people don't understand is that right right now they officially are allowed to enrich uranium to 60% weapons uranium is 90% and it doesn't take a lot to go from 60% to 90%. It's actually a very short process and the experts who are looking into this have said that they believe Tehran will be able to create enough 90% in rich uranium to build about a dozen nuclear weapons of small to moderate size within about weeks from the time they decide to do it. And have enough to do build probably 20 to 25 weapons in about 2 months. So that's concerning it it's it's even more concerning because if you understand that the Biden White House is not actually being run by Joe Biden specifically the foreign policy. Right. Half of the White House is being quarterback by Valerie Jarrett, Barack Obama, Samantha Power, John Kerry, all the people who put together the Iran nuclear deal which was a deal that was going to allow Iran to develop a covert nuclear weapons program and noone would know about it. Uh those people are running our foreign policy right now and I don't I I'm concerned because I think those people are going to do whatever they can to hamstring Israel and to aid in a bet whatever I wants to do which right now is sending more weapons and and technology and funding to Hamas Hezbollah and other terror organizations and now we've got let's see the Taliban has said they're willing to join and they'll send thousands of soldiers to help fight Israel because they hate Israel too. So all the all the terror organizations are kind of coalescing now coming together coming with a plan to go out against Israel and take them out once and for all. Uh that's that's very concerning. Yeah, a huge mistake too because you know, obviously God's hand is on Israel and that would be. Yeah. Not something they would want to come against for sure, ultimately. I had an interesting dream about a week ago if you listen to the last podcast with Mary Grace. Um in this dream, I saw this wall. It was a wall with a vertical crack and at the crack there was there was a weapon. It was both a weapon and it was an intelligent sentient being and it would wipe out Israel's opponents and it gone dormant for a long period of time but it had recently in this dream I saw that it became more active and it would send out these flashes of light and it would just eradicate Israel's opponents. Wow. And I think that dream was sort of an indication to me that God is watching Israel and is watching over Israel and it's going to protect them and I think I think Iran better think very very carefully. Think twice about getting in a full blown warfare with Israel because I don't think it's going to go well for them if they do. It's not going to go well for anybody. That that would drag United States and Nato into this war China and Russia are big trading partners with Iran that that's going to be the axis of powers the east against the west in another war and and we don't need that so that's why I'm telling people look we gotta keep praying for that's right pray for peace okay we're going to hear more about this angelic being and this protection over Israel it's interesting because there's a dream he had that came out on June the twenty-fourth I'm not exactly sure when he had the dream but Robin an 11th hour, June the 25th 2000twenty-four was prophetically speaking and he talks about that same thing. Check this out. Do you hear that? It speaks of a lot of things. It speaks of things in the spirit and things in the natural. Things in the natural. Missiles. And told you and the sound and the spirit is this snuffing them out. The missiles snuffing them out in the supernatural. Has beloved ring against my Israel has belonged roaring against my and I will snuff them out. Roaring against Israel you're roaring against my Israel will fail. You will fail You have found yourself on the wrong side one too many times. For angels are now going to be released against Iran to fight for Israel. You think you have gathered a coalition of nations and even in my America but now you have not says the lord all you have done is aggravated patriots you have aggravated people who love freedom who will never give in to the United there's sounds of war submarines shifts. No. Miss Sundays. We stop and listen. We listen to what the spirit is saying. Real low Roxanne. We listen to what the spirit is saying. We 'yong broken quiet. Plans being discussed. Plans that they are going to bring near. Plans are going to do in the near future. Quiet conversations in the UN. You win. You will have to begin again. For you have no future. You have no future for you are an arm of Islam. You are an arm of Jihad. You are an arm and a quiet voice who plans and plots Israel's harm. You set your mind to do it from nineteen forty-eight and you thought that you would do it and lift yourself up to be great. But you stink in the nostrils of heaven. You smell in the nostrils of God. For you are a decaying carcass. And soon it will be your time to part you in You stink. Because your dead carcass is already smelling. I speak of a political life entity. Powers being lost. You thought you were God and you thought you would bring in the seed of the serpent to the scene. But my prophet spoke and stopped it it's not time for him to be seen but your time is always even now you will lose your grip of power on nations For once corruption falls in my America, It will fall all over creation. For I have a voice of grandmas and grandpas who have prayed and cried for revival from times past and times gone by. And that is what this program has been about today. To preserve their mighty cry. To release it in another generation. And a sound that's yet to be heard. But you oh United Nations, you dared to fight and kill Israel. So now, it's you and me. You and me says the Lord are going to do battle. Guess who will win? Just guess. For the cry of creation when I thundered out of my mouth says the lord and fire melted rock like blood. I knew who you were then OUN United Nations. I knew who you would become. I knew from the foundation of the world what would go wrong and I knew this war of twenty-four. I knew this time, says the lord. And that's why I became the lamb slain from the foundation of the world. For I was already ahead of it. Olive, bet, gimmick, hay. Came before my throne that day. Let me do this. Let me do that. Let me go here. Let me go there. Nay. But you will go where you're assigned to be and noone will escape it noone will cross this boundary not even the sea for I hold it back and now you know what does that the sea may not cross a certain line neither will you oh sea of nations for this is not your time Hear the mysteries of the prophet. Hear the mysteries from the future being said today. Hear the mysteries of the future says the Lord. Before you turn this off and go on your way. Think about it. Meditate it as it goes. And as time begins to creep by. One war will end suddenly and another will lift its voice and cry. Then there will be a third not like the other two. I've told you before and you political leaders, I'm telling you, the third will not be the same as the first two. For Israel will possess new ground. If you just shut your mouth, your ignorant stinking mouth, things would have went different for you but now Israel will gain ground and possess it. For all I promised to Abraham is still his. Keep this in mind, says the Lord. Remember the story of the cliff of Z. For an angelic host and army and warriors have been released this very day. And now things will turn and go Israel's way. Watch it. Mark it down. Let the time tell you what was said. And you rejoice for Israel will win. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Wow. So much to that. So you hear this praying medic Dave Hayes dream. You hear what God had to say through Robin Bullock. Now I'm going to take you back in time to December the 13th two thousand and fourteen. This is a Kim Clement word talking about Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Israel. Check this out. Pray out for wherever you are. Pray for this nation. Pray for Israel. Pray for your Pray for Ecclesia. The thing that Jesus cherishes most of all. Pray, pray, pray. For God has not finished with this nation yet. God has not given up on this nation yet. God has spoken. Why are there so many that would curse this nation? Do you find it in my word? Is persecuting my church who is it that is slandering my church who is it that is beheading my people it is not America but as have you looked at Islam and have you noticed says the lord that the wickedness that they are presented the wickedness that Saudi Arabia has given to the world is is in Mecca and oil and they have said we will control the United States we will control the world that God says look at Saudi Arabia look carefully for there is great wickedness brewing from there and as they plan says the lord as they plan I want you to understand something while they are planning for the destruction of America those in this nation that call themselves prophets. That are constantly speaking against this nation. There are those who call themselves prophets. That speak with Islam against this nation. There are Christian prophets that have joined forces in a very strange way to curse this nation. Why have you betrayed me says the Lord. This is where my church is being built up. This is where is being sent to the world and this is not the place where my church is persecuted not much but God said if you would watch Saudi Arabia is hiding something and they will be caught with their pants down says the lord they will be caught says the lord Netanyahu listen to me Netanyahu you are afraid of what is happening in Iran forget that for a minute look to a countries for Russia has already made a decision. This prophet was caught up and saw the table that they have stood at. This prophet has heard how this dog that is from a junkyard is about to be released and how he will bite viciously but his attack shall not only be with Iran but it shall come against Saudi Arabia but the lord says do not worry because while these cats and dogs are fighting, America shall begin to bloom America shall begin to prosper. America shall bring oil. America shall bring oil. America shall suddenly see a massive influx of new ideas of creativity. A new energy is coming and it's coming soon says the lord. A new energy is coming and it's coming soon. Are you listening to me? Says the spirit of God. And you say what about this president you say what about this president did you understand that in the scriptures when a king did not deal with the people that were his enemies and if the king and the president does not deal with the enemies of God who is it that I raise up when Samuel told Saul you are to kill the Amalekites everyone of them King Saul spared them you cannot spare them Obama you cannot spare them they are not spareable because God said when the king did not do it, he raised up a prophet who will then overtake them. God says the prophetic anointing upon this generation shall slice down the enemies and America shall enter into a seven year of prosperity says the lord. Says the lord. Yes. You may say what is this have to do with me? You may say what has this have to do with me? You have heard prophets shouting from the left and the right. We have on good information that America shall collapse and it shall be wiped out. God said not while I'm alive and I happen not to be dying very soon. I died once on a cross. I die no more. I die no more says the lord. Don't you tell me what my plans are. Why have you why is there a lying spirit in your mouth oh prophets. Why is it that you curse along with ISIS and Islam and the nation that is bread and brought oil and brought life and be taken the captives into their borders what about that says the lord where is your justice where is your righteousness where is your equity oh God says I will show you that I will raise out of the dust of this nation the dust I will raise young men and women who shall take over and take charge says the All of you standing what? All of you watching me all over the world, raise up your hands. We going to pray a prayer for the nation. So what is the stench? What is the stench that I'm hearing? Hear the prophet today. What is the stench that I'm smelling? What is it? What I am smelling is betrayal. The spirit of Judas and the and the spirit of Joseph standing together. Judas to take away one but Joseph which means to add And the Lord will add, what am I saying? ISIS is a problem but it's not the only problem. They have made a plan to enter the schools of America. No, no, no, this is a long-term plan. They will enter in and they shall send young men and women and they shall enter Mary and they shall raise up families that shall stand and attempt in the second presidency from now and they shall be called another name them but they shall attempt to do something in the White House they watched all your movies how the White House has been taken down and they have dreamed their dreams and I have sat and I've watched and I have laughed because it is true that they can possibly cripple America for a season and they did but they will never touch Israel for you see Israel has my supernatural protection. Now hear me out says the Lord. Mecca. How they have been fooled and cursed. That cursed stone. Which shall be unraveled and broken in pieces. And I speak boldly today from this platform but respectfully. Saudi Arabia you kept the oil. You tried to deal with Russia. God says you did the wrong thing. For when you touch my church can my ecclesia be destroyed never yes we know there will be tribulation and so it shall be and my people shall join me but before that time there is a global awakening no no not just one down and city not just one country but many Look how I invaded Egypt. You see most people don't know this but it was in Arabia that John the Baptist was beheaded. And it is in Arabia and Saudi Arabia shall and has persecuted more Christians than you realise. But God I said I will now make them accountable. How shall I do this? I will prosper the very country that they hate calling them the great Satan. New energy is arising. Yes. And God says even though oil shall always be fought after. They shall be burning and burning and burning like you have never seen. And they shall be and antagonism but I cannot unfortunately do it now as I'm stuck with one who has decided not to fight Islam not to fight radical Islam but God said I will cause a new one to rise up in this nation and God said there will be a prophetic anointing that shall carry you until that year and that prophetic anointing says the lord will bring prosperity to the soil of this country and to the families of this nation yes they have sinned America is not guiltless that God said when I weigh the balance when I weigh the scales when I set out the scales there is great iniquity in Saudi Arabia and all over that region and therefore watch with your eyes as the earth shakes and watch out this prosperity comes for now I set the prophetic seal upon my house and upon my church to prosper and prosper and prosper even more says the lord of hope wow okay so at the prophetic anointing that has been carrying this nation. How many of you all had really even been introduced to the prophetic prior to twenty twenty? You know, prior to twenty sixteen. Just everything that's been going on in our country. This is new to a lot of people, the prophetic and it's really interesting that this prophetic anointing is what is carrying the nation until this person that's anointed steps into their position. Who could that be? My shirt says today, Jesus is my savior Trump is my president and that is exactly right. He is the one that's anointed for such a time as this. I wanted to also point out that in that prophetic word. God said, I will raise up young men and women that will take charge. We are going to come back to that and then he also addressed John the Baptist. We're going to talk a little bit more about John the Baptist. We're going to go to Dutch Sheets June the 21st 2000 twenty-four. He released a word or writing from his brother Tim Sheetz and it's called King Jesus Takes Center Stage. Check this out. Hello, thank you for joining me today for Give Him fifteen. The title of today's post is King Jesus Takes Center Stage. My brother Tim sent the following article. As always, it is very encouraging, edifying, and challenging. Allow your and spirit to receive his word as I share it with you today. John the Baptist was called the forerunner of Christ. In other words, his assignment was to prepare the way for Christ to be revealed. I believe the apostolic and prophetic movements of the last few years have also carried forerunner type of anointings preparing the way for Christ to be revealed in greater measure than before. I believe, Tim says, it is now time for the revealing to occur. Jesus said the following to those who are asking or excuse me John said the following to those who are asking about Jesus. I believe it is prophetic for now. Quote, I have said, this is John 328 to 30. I have said it many times and you've heard me. I'm not the anointed one. I'm the one who comes before him. If you are confused, consider this. The groom is the one with the bride. The best man takes his place close by and listens for him. When he hears the voice of the groom, he swept up in the joy of the moment. So hear me. My joy could not be more complete. He, the groom, must take center stage. And I, the best man, must step to his side. What a picture of this moment, Tim says. Jesus must take center stage and we, the groomsmen, the bridesmaids, the bride, the attendance, must step to his side. We're moving into times when Holy Spirit says, Jesus the king, will take center stage. He must, in order to see the shakings have their intended effects, he must to see the necessary correction and change. We are entering days when Christ takes center stage to shake and expose evil strengthen his ecclesia and bring about great change. The true church, Christ's bride must now step to his side in new visible and vocal ways. As he takes center stage, we must stand with him. We will not be spineless or weak and we will not be intimidated subjecting ourselves to Godless dynasties. We will not bow to authoritarian leaders in America or any other government. We will not be bland Christians presenting bland services preaching bland messages. We will step to Christ's side and stand with him in great boldness. A glorious remnant that desires change is rising. They're hungry for outpouring, signs, wonders, miracles, revival, and freedom. They know this is their inheritance as the sons and daughters of God. In these next 8 months, we will see the king of kings begin to take center stage. The starring role in this supernatural time will not be politicians clinging to power in nations they've gripped with iron fists. The starring role has been reserved for another. He who declared all powers given to me in heaven and in Earth. The starring role has been reserved for the resurrected king of glory. In Earth's great drama, he emerged as the creator after the fall, his cross provided freedom from sin and his resurrection broke the power of death. In the come scene of this drama. He will step to center stage with his glorious church at his side. The word of the Lord. Now Tim releases a prophecy. Hear the word of the Lord. Those who stand with me will see that I stand with them. Those who those who come to my side will see the days of shaking become days of personal and corporate triumph. For I will release winds of my spirit that bring power to conquer. My people defeat their enemies and enjoy the spoils of victory they will proclaim our enemies have resourced us we have more because of war it is turned for our good they will say the enemies plans have collapsed around them and their plans have failed then my people will say their words the words of our enemies have returned upon them vexing their souls the enemies words of Proclaimed their own sentencing. They build their own gallows. They will say our enemies have been poisoned by their own venom. Our enemies have been trapped in traps laid for us. For you will rejoice says the Lord. You'll sing and you'll dance with joy proclaiming we have escaped as birds out of the snares of the fowler. I am exposing the snares of wokeism, progressivism, and humanism. Their spokesman will begin to walk in miry clay while you go free. You will see changes of leadership in natural and spiritual realms for a new breed of leaders will now be revealed in my kingdom. These are people of come to my side. They will now rise in power for I will advocate for them and anoint them with my favor. These are those who come from my presence carrying the weight of my glory they would not compromise refusing to be harnessed by the world they would not bow to darkness appease humanism's ways bend their knees to blended religion or kiss the ring of Baal these are those who defy the doctrines of demons These who stood ashamed of me, unashamed of me, I will stand unashamed for them. The Lord of hosts promises that great victories are at hand. I will oversee their completion. Great deliverance is in process. I will remove the demonic veil hiding my kingdom's enemies. I'll make your enemies vulnerable to you to the authority I gave you. They all vulnerable to your decrees, says the Lord. For you will now see the course of history, the course of nations change. History makers are coming to my side and I'll use them to bring this change leading in historic transitions. And trust that the shaking will cause historic change. Your decrees of my words release my plans to alter governments and end to radical oppression. Alterations are now being made. Transfers of power will be seen. For I have the right to bring down one and exalt another. I decide who rises and falls. I can put down one and lift up another. I'm doing so now. Shaking governments and lands that have defied me. I will come to center stage and stand with my heirs, my church whom I love and for whom I gave myself. There will now be seen throughout the earth a functioning ecclesia. In Ecclesia functioning in the midst of the world's dysfunction. Multiplied grace is now being poured out. Bound souls will be set free. Captives will be delivered. Those blinded by iniquity will be liberated from dark bondage. The rains of heaven will pour in torrential downpours. Kingdom revival will accept. Signs, wonders, and miracles will validate. My Ecclesia notable miracles leaping forth. All manner of sickness and disease will be healed as the king takes center stage. Powerful. Let's pray. Lord we declare our confidence in you standing upon your promises engaging our faith for this moment enable us to be those who step to your side now invisible powerful ways We we believe you have orchestrated the ages creating a time such as this when the world will see you take your position as the king of kings. Take center stage in America and in and in the nations. Break strongholds. Shake what needs to be shaken. Pour your glory on your Ecclesia. Father, when Christ came, there were no natural signs that the course of history was about to change but you knew it was the right time. The fullness of time. In seasons leading up to past revivals, it is rarely looked like positive change was imminent yet in the hidden realm of the spirit conditions were right and the harvest was ripe we believe this is true now harvest fields of the earth are ready for harvesting bring this. Step onto the stage and reap. Many are asking for this. Many laborers have been preparing. Send them forth Keep your intercessors focused and strong. Do not allow them to be distracted by violence, wars, political campaigns, or difficult circumstances. May they keep their eyes on the prize. Earth's greatest harvest ever. We ask these things in Yeshua's name. Amen. The our decree today we declare that King Jesus is taking center stage. We will step to his side as he leads us to breakthrough. Amen. Okay. So, obviously, Dutch was reading Tim Sheetz words there and Tim Sheets was talking about the Ecclesia and he was talking about this great great reawakening revival that's coming. We heard that from Kim Clement. He said, can my Ecclesia be destroyed never. There is a global reawakening and revival that is coming. So, just heard that from Tim Sheets as well. Also, Kim talked about prospering this country that there would be a prospering of the country and I read it before but prophetic anointing that will carry this nation. We heard Tim Sheet say, there's a prophetic movement of the last few years have also carried a forerunner type of anointings preparing the way for Christ to be revealed in greater measure than before talking about this prophetic anointing that has been on our nation these last few years and then Maya people will defeat their enemies and enjoy the spoils of victory and he goes on talking about prosperity that is coming for the people that have been standing for the remnant in his ecclesia and then he also talks about you will see changes of leadership in the natural and the supernatural. Hold on to that because we're going to be hearing more about that. We heard that about young people that God is raising up but you're also going to be hearing about more changes that are coming for Our nation. Alright, I'm going to now take you to Church International. This was June the 23rd, 2000 twenty-four, Robin Bullock. Now, in this church service, there was a lot of someone speaking in tongues and then Robin interpreting what was spoken in tongues over and over and over again. I wanted to keep the tongues because I think that's extremely important and then hearing what God is saying through the prophet Robin Bullock. Check this out. This is what the lord said to me this morning. He said the sound of tomorrow is being released in the earth. Hallelujah. God has pulled at the hunger of another generation. Hallelujah. Generation Z. Generation G. Yeah. Yeah. God. Turn your ear toward the shout of generation G. Hallelujah. Turn your turn your ear toward the sound of me. Yeah. Turn your ear and you will hear it all. Turn your ear y'all. For I will use them all saith the lord the time of Trump will not be the only time there is for the time of Tim will come time. Time of them four times I've asked and four times you've refused so now I have found me a generation I can use it's them it's them it's the time of Tim it's them it's them it's the time of Tim time will be Tim will be Latino watch says the lord for there to be a sound to come. A sound of an expression of Christ. Not heard as of yet. But around that will come you. Around that that time will come you can bet hallelujah though you cast lots for who will bring it says the lord it is I who will choose my own David to take and carry Goliath's sword. The time of tomorrow has come. Some men say, have I lost it? No, you have not. Sometimes it takes a new sound to remind you of what you forgot. I bid this generation to cross for generation G surely will but some of you will be left like Moses to climb that long lonely hill and only see it with your eyes but my will is it that it is that you cross. It's like gathering up the fragments that nothing is lost. Amen. Playing with the sound of tomorrow, playing with the sound, that sound today, playing with the Sound of tomorrow and you will start the tribes on their way. Now the new sound is about to make religion extremely mad. So brace yourself for persecution and in the middle of it be extremely glad. Hallelujah. Where people have let Hamas scare the world and scare them out of moving this way that and even going to Israel I can handle Hamas and Israel will handle them soundly you tend to your business says the lord and reach this generation and bring in my family for I am going to make things better but wars will never cease until the time I Come and take my people from the greatest to the least. Where are you now? How will you stand? Be a warrior and a soldier in these last days and play with my new sound and band. For I am going to sing you all the way to destiny and bring you up out of the Red Seashore. So get ready says the Lord. I brought it to you in twenty-four. So stand up and be glad and look toward the future for its brightest I can make it for you. But it's only for those who will reach out and take it. So let that person be you. Hallelujah. Now, hear, hear these things because these things are hard to hear but necessary to listen to. For we take that off the rack that was spoken earlier. Things are hard to hear but necessary to listen to because in these last days and times you're in, the anointing is going to draw things back to the original state. In places that have been hijacked, in places that have been taken over, demons will seek to defend those places but they can't keep them, says the lord. It will have to be a militant cry. A cry from generation G. Of your Yes. Let's just hold on a minute. Just hold on a minute. Happenin on the way into Yes, I understood that. I I'm going to talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk says the lord. I'm going to get whoever will listen to listen and if you listen, you'll be wiser for it and I'm going to do these things and I'm going to do it in services and when I do it in the Baptist Church, they'll faint but I'm going to do these things and I'm going to keep doing these things because says the lord, I'm not afraid of religion. Then when you think it's going to stop, it'll start again. And then when it stops you, you'll be reminded one more time. So, things are moving like that in the spirit and things are not so hard to understand if you can hear it but you have to be able to listen not only in this body but you have to be able to listen to the to the inner man that's hearing God on the inside. There is you that we see and you we can't see. There is you that you look and see others but then there is a you that he sees and The one he sees should be given preeminence over the other so that I may bring the one you can see up another level with you and give you a future and an expected end. Amen. Hallelujah. Well, that's a good. Yeah, so go ahead and just relax but don't relax on the word. Keep the word first place in your heart and your mind and in your mouth. Guard your mouth and you'll guard your life. Guard your mouth and speak the word and nothing will make it in. For the word will be a shield and a light to your path. It'll be a shield around you in a buckler to defend you. Speak the word Speak the word for the word is what gave you life and you'll guard your life. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Alright, I want to touch on again going back to that Kim Clement word about God said, I will raise up young men and women that will take charge. So, we heard again this whole prophetic time from Robin Bullock that God gave him that word about Gen Z that he called Gen G for God the Gen Z and the significance of Gen Z. If you I would recommend going back and listening to it. Again, there's so much in that word for the Gen Z. That was interesting because it made me think of a conversation that we had with Isabelle Brown in the natural. Uh she is a Christian. She is a follower of Jesus Christ but she wrote a book. We interviewed her probably like two months ago. We loved the interview so much. We ended up buying the book for all of the flyover team here and it's called The End of the Alphabet, How Gen Z can Save America and the first chapter of this book is called Doomed or Chosen. We're going to hear more about this. Again, Amanda Grace is also going to be talking about this next generation and so being aware of this generation praying for them because God is really speaking about them and the plans that he has for this Gen Z generation. Very very exciting and I also talked about changes that were coming. I want to now take you to a prophetic word. If you go to the Prophetic Report. com with Barry Wood, Wench and this came out on June the 22nd 2 twenty-four2000 twenty-four. Again, this is Barry Wench. Um you can find it on The Prophetic Report. com. This prophetic word was on his Facebook. It was on Telegram just so you know where you can find it and he's under the Canadian Hammer on Facebook and Telegram. Alright, this this is called Prophetic Encounter Regarding Joe Biden. The Lord has been dropping Joe Biden on me the last twenty-four hours. At least half a dozen times. The Lord was trying to get my attention. And then today as I was in my quiet time I was taken into the spirit where I was taken into a special high level emergency meeting of Democrat deep state WEF and globalist leaders and advisers. Obama and his inner core were being forced and and pressured to pull Joe Biden out of the game. The point had well where his actions and condition was far far beyond any type of recovery. The mounting collateral damage was overwhelming. They had to get him out one way or another. Nothing was to be left off limit was to be off limits. On top of all of that, the fact was that there was an open door that Hunter has opened that cannot be shut and in doing so has opened up the books on his dad and family. They are going down it was game over. The implications of what is in the light and coming into the light was going to not only destroy the Biden's but also destroy the Democratic Party. The ship had taken in so much water and continues to that there is no way that it could stay afloat. It would not survive what is coming. In the meeting in the meeting was Kamala Harris. She was being briefed very uncomfortable with the plan to temporarily position her until a long term candidate could be M Obama was on standby at standby in the room. Being koi but knowing full well the manipulation to get her in position. Kamala has been used and they were going to use her like a pawn. I knew by the spirit she would cause them harm on her way out and she would sing like a bird. Things are about to move fast. There were other events being planned in conjunction with this to accelerate the dark and demonic plan. There were strategic inside jobs coming to destabilize things along the way for them to deploy their demonic plans. The Lord spoke to me and this is what he spoke. Barry, tell my people that the House of Cards is coming down. I am blowing on it now and I assure you that it is all coming down. Now, remember House of Cards. This is going to be another prophetic word at the end from a a prophet from Germany. There will be nowhere for them to run They will no longer be able to hide behind the corrupt practices and people they have put in position. I am a God of justice and justice shall be served. For they shall pay a great price for what they have done to my people. They move the move they are planning shall bring a turning point in this great nation. For my people are standing and ready to move upon my word for truth, righteousness, and justice. The storm is bearing down now. Tell my people deception has never been higher. Discern what you hear. Discern what you see. Tell my people we are stronger as one. Do not waver. Do not comply with the evil agenda. We are who they fear. Me and you and you and me abiding in unity. There is nothing that that we cannot do. There is a rebirthing of this great nation that cannot be stopped. Take courage. Stand up and let's advance the line. Holy is the word of the Lord. Wow. Okay, there's a lot in that. You can find that by going to the Prophetic Report. com or you can find it at Barry Wench at the Canadian Hammer on Facebook. Also, I'm sure his website, The Canadian Hammer. com and his telegram. Alright, Julie Green. Let's take you to Julie Green. She received this prophetic word on June the twenty-first and delivered it on June the twenty-fifth. She very emotional about what the lord was talking about, about what people have gone through and where we are right now but have a lot of hope. I I would recommend writing some things down here because you're going to hear some words almost word for word in the prophetic word that God gave to Amanda Grace. Check this out. Again, why this darkness had to be allowed? And this prophetic word was from June 2-1st. For I the Lord have seen my creation under attack. My children under great oppression, stress, pressure, sorrow, anguish, fear, worry, anxiety, I see the constant torment and the struggle. I've seen the burden your taskmasters and your nations and your governments has subjected you to. I've heard and seen all that they have done to you. I will not allow it to continue. I will not allow the ruling class to stay in power and to keep you in their bondage. You may ask, why Lord was this allowed? Why Lord is the world so dark? Why have these people been allowed to stay in power so long to torture us like this? My tour may I remind you. That I was the one that was allowed to be thrown out of your government why my people stayed silent. I was the one thrown out of schools while my people stayed silent. I was the one taken out of businesses while my people stayed silent. I was allowed to be thrown out of many churches while my people continued to stay silent. I was thrown out of your justice system while my people remained silent. I had to allow certain things because I was no longer wanted. And I was no longer welcomed. Now you see what's left when I am not there. I did not want this for you. I did not want to leave you in any of those places. I was forced out. When my people did nothing to stand and fight for me to stay there. But I have heard the cries of my people. Now and I will deliver you. I will answer your prayers and I will destroy your enemies power and remove them in this hour. Now you know and now you believe and understand my words and how to use the authority that I've given to you. You've been awakened to see the truth and how many were deceived into believing their twisted way of thinking. And how your enemies trick so many into believing I didn't belong in those places or that I did not want or care about politics and government. Do you see how your enemies got into your churches? And my children believed those doctrines instead of reading and believing my own word and what I said. It may be dark and it may be very uncomfortable and I know many have suffered at the hands of this government and these world leaders. That's why there had to be an awakening. There had to be a shaking and there had to be a desperation in some so they would turn and look to me. When people were uncomfortable, sorry, when people were comfortable in living life how they thought they wanted to live, They didn't pray or call upon me like before. So in this time your adversary sneaks in and he steals and he kills and he destroys my people and my lands when they are not seeking after me for deliverance or truth. Do you see now why things are this bad? While the enemies were in power. And how they were allowed to be in those positions and how they did so much damage. If I am not there in any of these places of power, then your enemy is and there is no other choice. I've heard your prayers to bring them out to bring my glory, my presence back in. I've heard your prayers wanting freedom and restoration from all that your enemies have done and stolen from you. I will show you great removals and great restoration. I am moving my hand and I am healing your land. Don't quit now and don't give in and don't be moved by what they try next. Their days of being in power and control are over. Saith the Lord of hosts. Wow. Okay. This has been an interesting week. Uh we've had multiple in-person interviews and they're coming out and so one of them was with historian Bill Feder and I read his book and it's absolutely amazing. It's called Silence Equals Consent, The Sin of a Mission and we talked about this book and he talked about what Julie said in there where you know the separation of church and state and why were people not speaking up why did we allow these things to be taken out of our school system prayer God why do we allow that just be taken out of our government why did all of this happen you can find this book if you go to American Minute. com American Minute. com so Silence Equals Consent the Sin of Omission I highly recommend watching this interview it's going to come out this Friday so you can see it on Rumble. It'll be the Flyover Conservative Show this Friday or you can find it on Flyover. live. You can find it on the Flyover app. All of those places. I highly recommend watching the show. It is extremely important. But I just wanted to read the last little bit of his book. It's the last page and a half. I think this is really important about what Julie was saying. That's why God gave us the mandate. Wake up, speak up, and show up. He told us back in twenty20. Dave and I were on a why that's why we even started flyover conservatives and he said there has been a real pride in Christian conservatives in being part of the silent majority almost padding themselves raw on the back for being a part of this you know silent majority and God said the reason that we are where we are today is because Christian conservatives said nothing they allowed all of this to happen in our country and that's why our country is where it is today and the last little bit of his book he says it's called what is your Someday, you will be dead. But you will be in heaven because you believe that Jesus died on the cross to pay for all of your sins. The line in the song Amazing Grace goes, when we've been there 10000 years, bright shining as the sun. We've no less days to sing God's praise than when than when we first began. Imagine being in heaven 10000 years. Walking on the streets of gold and you get a chance to meet Moses. Maybe Moses will invite you over to his place. Jesus said, in my father's house, there are many mansion John fourteen two. Imagine you show up and there are others, David, Gideon, Elijah, Elijah, Deborah, Esther, the apostle Paul, and more. One by one, each tells their story of being on earth and facing great opposition. But trusting in God, they stood up with courage and then God moved in a miraculous way. Then everyone in the room will look at you and say, we haven't heard from you yet. Tell us your story. What are you going to say. Wow. I would hate for Jesus to walk in the room and a big screen come down and show great miracles and crowds coming to the Lord and him turning to you and saying this is what I had planned for you and saying for you to do when you were on earth but you just didn't have enough faith and courage. You look back at your life and see that big mountain that held you back only to find out that it was just a tiny ant hill, the fear of man. You can't go back to Earth to do anything else for the Lord because you are already in heaven because you believe that Jesus died on the cross and paid for all your sins. That's what that is the gift that we have from Jesus. It is a free gift. Guess what? You are still on on this earth. You still have breath in your lungs. You still have feet that trod the soil. You still can do all of those things that you were known that you will be known for forever. The Lord chose you to be alive on the earth at this exact time. He knows every situation that is going on and tells you fear not for I have redeemed thee. I have called thee by by thy name. Thou art mine. Isaiah forty-three one. Fear not nor be dismayed. Be strong for of good courage. Joshua 10 2five. Fear not. I am the shield and thy exceeding great reward. Genesis fifteen one. God loves to wait until things look hopeless and then raise up little nobody's who are small in their own eyes whoo but big in faith and courage to go to do great things. This is our turn. Wow. That is so powerful. Again, I highly recommend this book. Silence Equals Consent, The Sin of a Mission. You can get it at American Minute and you can watch that interview. It was absolutely amazing. Um it will be coming out on Friday. So, talking about, I mean, this is our opportunity. You know, the reason that we are where we are today is because generation before it didn't stand up but we're alive right now. We can stand up and God is calling us to do that at this point. What I wanted to highlight from that is the title of that was why this darkness had to be allowed. You're going to hear more about that from Amanda Grace but things are going on right now. There are people standing up. In fact, we interviewed Bill Eigel in the studio and it's coming out tomorrow night and he's running for the governor of Missouri with huge plans. Things that can happen. Things that we can see come to fruition. I believe our downloads from the Lord and and we're going to hear more about governors and the differences that they're making right now here in the Earth from Amanda Grace and this is called Urgency Prophecies fulfilling and this came out on June the twenty-fourth 2000twenty-four. Check this out. Now we're going to Get into this urgent prophecy fulfilling because it really is. So, if you can share this broadcast, like and subscribe, we'd very much appreciate it because there is something incredible happening right now that we have to talk about and the enemy is rip-roaring mad. When I tell you rip-roaring mad in this hour, he is looking for any way to get in to try to get in anybody's ear to try to make any trouble to try to he really is just so desperate and at a frenzy at this point, we have to be sober minded and vigilant right now. Uh we really do and check our emotions because honestly, I am watching what's going on. I am watching what the enemy is doing and if we give the enemy an in and it could be in many different ways, he will definitely try to exploit it. So, this is why we need Jesus Christ. This is why we need him and we need to be in a relationship with him. I'm going to Preface by saying this because the timing of this is incredible what's happening. So it was two years ago today that Roe versus Wade after 50 years was overturned. I believe it was two years ago around this time it was overturned. Two years later in 20 twenty-four around the time of such a historic event that happened two years ago something is unfolding and a standard is being raised in the nation a banner is being raised. The commandments are being raised. So let me say this, I was in New Jersey back in 2022 at Mantle of Power Ministries when Roe V Wade was overturned and I was there speaking at the Art Conference and I remember I had said from New Jersey that prayer was coming back to public schools. Now, this is back in twenty twenty-two. Prayer was going to be brought back to public schools that this was another battle that was going to be brought for the lord to win and so I had warned of that 2 years ago, right? The lord had moved on my for that. Now, let me let me preface this. I'm going to give you a tiny bit of history to understand this. So, June 25th 1962, the US Supreme Court declared Prayer in Public Schools Unconstitutional and there it is. Thank you. This is the actual headline from the Chicago Daily Tribune Supreme Court bans school prayers and it was all over. Uh it was an outrage. Uh there was there was a lot that happened with this that we're we're going to get into here in a moment and so, they tried to say, well, as long as teachers give math test, there will be prayer in school. So, this was kind of the response to that but the battle for this, the origin, ground zero was Hyde Park, New York and the the case that ultimately got brought to the Supreme Court was Engle versus Vitaly. Angle was an atheist, okay? Now, what is amazing about the name about this name Angle And what this man stood for is if if you look back at Carl Marks he had a partner right when it came to the development of Marxism named Frederick Angle okay so Angle versus Vitality is spelled E N G L E Frederick Engle is spelled E N G E L but they mean the same thing okay it's a different spelling of the same name Frederick Angles was German and he was a German philosopher political theorist historian journalist and revolutionary socialist he was also a businessman a Carl Marx's closest friend and collaborator serving as a leading authority on Marxist Marxism, okay? I'm going to show you this ties in a minute. So, Marxism has a satanic foundation, right? Because Carl Marx's children would write their father letters addressing him as my dear devil and he also wrote many poems and plays that had satanic threads, satanic ideology, and satanic under tones in it. Now, if you come back to the nineteen nineteen sixty-two, angle versus vitality, vitality, angle and angle are different spellings of the same name. This is how the enemy operates. Since Angle helped birth Marxism and communism which is diametrically opposed to the things of God since the enemy works in cycles, he would raise up someone by the name of Angle out of New York To war to take prayer out of schools because many of these battles formed in New York, abortion, taking prayer out of schools. The reason for this is a few things. New York abstained from the signing of the Declaration of Independence. I don't know if you know that but they abstained for a good I think it was 50 days. Okay so New York was one of the last states to sign the Declaration of Independence. That left a window for the enemy to begin plant seed. First of all, secondly, Washington from New York City Federal Hall made a covenant between God and the United States of America and he said, if the United States ever turned from God, God would remove his hand of blessing. So, there is a there is a covenant, a promise that was made on that soil and then you have the fact that New York also abstained and was one of the last states to sign Declaration of Independence. Okay, now that I've caught you up to speed on this, something incredible is happening in Louisiana and I'll tell you why it's Louisiana in a minute but let's put up the news article. All glory be to God. Pray for this governor in Louisiana right now. Pray for him because he needs it right now. Louisiana classrooms now required by law to display the 10 commandments. Louisiana public schools are now required to display the ten commandments in all classrooms after Republican Governor Jeff Landry signed the requirement into law Wednesday House Bill 71 approved by state lawmakers last month mandates that a poster size display of the ten commandments with large easy readable font be in every classroom at schools that receive state funding so if you want state funding you gotta put up the ten commandments you see two could play at this game this works to the reverse too and the Liberals didn't see this coming okay from kindergarten through the university level So, in every university classroom too, in Louisiana, the Ten Commandments has to be displayed. Now, pray for this governor because the lord is using him and I'm going to show you prophecy that points at this. We're going to go into the prophecy it it that that goes back. I think it goes back almost two years that was pointing at this. So, this goes back as well to the Louisiana purchase which occurred in 1803 when the land was purchased from France. Now, how does this all connect? Well, I'm going to show you. We're going to play Prophetic Connect the dots right now because this all ties together and this also has to do with Louisiana and all of Louisiana purchase but my staff pointed out to me the fact that Louisiana and I remembered once they said it is the most especially New Orleans and those areas. Voodoo, psychics, witchcraft, Mardi Gras, that culture, that hedonistic culture, right? That is that is put down these deep roots in that territory that that have made a high place in that territory even though they're really below sea level. They've made a high place for these principalities and this is where this is now emerging from and all is being torn down and an altar to the lord and a banner and a standard and a cry is being raised out of Louisiana. Now, 1803 when the Louisiana purchase happened yes this does have to do marine spirits and and I'll go into this very fast but the kingdom of darkness has different divisions okay one of them happens to be the marine kingdom they're highly technologically advanced if you don't if you wonder how all this technology gets into the earth well many times the kingdom of darkness will conjure it up and find a willing host to push it into the earth okay so that's just you know how this kind of goes so but the the the kingdom of darkness has different factions and divisions. One of them being the marine kingdom, okay? Uh and they are nasty. Let's just put it that way. They are nasty. They are territorial. Um they are highly involved in in witchcraft dark art pushing that into that area. Okay. So in 18oh3 the Louisiana purchase happens. Something else happens in 180 3. Now Thomas Jefferson was the president back then just to give you a point of reference. It was the last time in 18oh three that these two brutes of trillions of cicadas converge together. This happened in the year 20twenty-four like a plague. So Louisiana purchase happens in 18oh 3. Right? Now fast forward to 20twenty-four. You have this brood of trillions of cicadas descending on the nation like a plague and you all have Louisiana right? Come into play, raising that standard, and and snatching away from the enemy what he's tried to do there. Now, I'll put up the other article in a moment because you not only have this plague of cicadas that have descended on the nation. You have another biblical event happening. Okay, this is the democrat chronicle. Gypsy moth caterpillars are ravaging upstate New York trees reigning down feces. It's biblical. It's bib now I'm not kidding you I witness this first hand I live in Upstate New York you have no idea the the infestation and invasion of also known as spongy moths of gypsy moth caterpillars okay and this what it says the historic infestation of gypsy moth caterpillars has now spread across large swats of the fingerlakes and North County regions of New York munching leaves and leaving behind countless acre of of unseasonably barren trees. I'm not kidding you. It looked like fall in our driveway. You just see tons of a half-eaten leaves and you see them these little gypsy mods like Spider Man descending on a thread and and and basically parrot jumping out of the trees. I'm not even kidding you. This is what I look like a crazy person trying to take a piece of wood and just get them on the wood and put them into the woods where they can go eat the weeds for a because it was just they were all over the house. They were everywhere. The outbreak of millions of fuzzy two-inch invasive insects has wreaked havoc in parts of upstate raining raining I can't even basically you know what going number two on hikers okay this is what the article says but this happens in New York so you have the cicada outbreak right this trillions of cicadas converge around the point of the X marks the spot of the two full eclipses okay the two full solar eclipses they were converging right there in that area in Illinois okay that that was within that X and then where all the lawfare is taking place you have a plague that they're calling biblical of these gypsy mots millions millions of them and I'm not kidding when they say millions. I could not I I was going oh we're in Egypt. This is Egypt right now. Like this is what I was thinking watching all of this. So how does this all tie in? Well you have two plagues or outbreaks of insects that are being called historic and biblical. What happened before Pharaoh let 2 million plus Jews go out of Egypt with their families and their livestock there were plagues right in the book of Exodus plagues 348 were all insect plagues they had gnats they had flies and they had locusts in that order why am I telling you this because this this all does tie together because it was Moses who was sent to Egypt to withstand Pharaoh and the territorial spirits holding up Egypt as the superpower of the world and this points to the nation coming to a Red Sea moment. However, after the Red Sea moment, the Jews are brought through the wilderness and come to Mount Sinai where the Jews were given the law. The ten commandments and Moses goes up to Mount Sinai and while he's up there with God, Hashem having a wonderful time getting the ten commandments and writing them down. Well, this is happening down below. Israel rebelliously, what did they do? They to build a golden calf and Aaron, Moses's brother who's supposed to be shall we say advocating in the best interest of God with the people enables them to build this golden calf. He basically stands there and just enables them to do this while his brother is on top of a mountain getting the ten commandments. So, while the ten commandments are being given a golden calf is being attempted. Before the ten commandments were given, there was plagues of insects through Egypt amongst other plagues including three including darkness as well before Pharaoh let the people go. Well we are witnessing these biblical plagues of insects and after these biblical plagues now Louisiana the governor of Louisiana has literally signed into Bill to raise a standard to uphold the law God's law and tear down that high place and build an altar to God. So start tearing down the golden calf and building an altar and raising a banner and an outcry in the nation. If you remember, I kept saying that the lord is raising a standard in this nation and we as the people of God have to bear that standard. We have to carry it. We have to r

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