Sacred Geometry and Those Who "Mastered" It

7 months ago

🌟 Say Hello to Dr. Robert Gilbert who has spent over 40 years researching the patterns behind human life, focusing on sacred geometry and its applications.

🌟 Is there an invisible energy matrix that underlies everything we see around us?

🌟 Ancient civilizations, particularly in Egypt, thought so, and even built their temples and monuments on "energy-rich" spots of the Earth's grid. These structures were aligned with certain geometric patterns.

🌟 Is there really more to the shapes we learn in school? Think of the the tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, icosahedron, and dodecahedron. What if each corresponded to different elements we see in the universe?

🌟 Some spiritual teachings surprisingly correlate to what we see in modern physics, especially when it comes to the dynamic nature of energy and matter.

🌟 Some ancient scholars believe that they could study, navigate, and manipulate this energy grid to perform what were considered miraculous feats.

🌟 And there are still followers of these ancient teachings today, emphasizing these energy patterns in attempts to provide people with hope, empowerment, personal growth, and even healing.

reposted via Creative Commons License.

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