Sharing God's Persective: Will America Truly Be Saved & Retored???

7 months ago

America is at a perilous time and place in our existence and we are not on one accord at all. Hatred, jealousy, greed, selfishness and self-love are becoming the supreme laws of our day.
There is growing and dangerous disunity, disharmony, and disagreement in our society at every level. We are experiencing increasing violence, moral corruption and social collapse of our society, our communities, and ourselves over what's next. Fear and doubt and worry, even terror and anxiety are actively driving our daily lives. Few of us seem prepared to do more than count the costs, count the victims, and count the bodies.
We desperately need to know just what's next for today, much less what's next for tomorrow.
Does anybody really know what to do in order for our people and our nation to move forward from the imploding confusion and chaos of our society???

This is now a critical time for us to Ask God for HIS plan and direction.
Are we willing to humble ourselves enough as people, as a nation, as a world, to just ask GOD to step in???

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Joseph Washington - Headwaiter
LifeSource Christian Fellowship

Call & Text: 1(510) 932-1283
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