One of the most downloaded songs in America is about the book of Revelation. {EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: READ THE DESCRIPTION TO THIS VIDEO}

2 months ago

Nearly all believers of Jesus Christ have a deadly identity crisis going on in their lives. Hidden from them is, who and what they become in Christ at conversion.
Pointedly, WHO is a Jew and WHO is Israel? The New Testament is very clear about who is, and who is not a Jew, and collectively, who is Israel. If you belong to Christ Jesus, ONLY you, Jew or Gentile are Jews and Israel. If you want Biblical evidence for this, download a short tract which details many passages in the Bible that prove this ( ). Once a Christian understands this, then understanding who/what Jesus is talking about in Revelation 2:9 & 3:9 becomes blatantly clear.

"I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan." Revelation 2:9

One of the most downloaded songs in America is about the book of Revelation. John Rich says he channeled the entire thing from God.

(2:41) John Rich’s Song Inspired by God
(6:23) Eminem and the Dark Side of the Modern Music Industry
(19:37) The Mark of the Beast
(23:42) The Attempt on Trump’s Life
(31:35) The Attacks on Christianity
(49:06) Reacting to the Dismissal of Trump’s Classified Documents Case
(1:15:55) John Rich’s Dad Preaching in Prisons

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