"KAYLEIGH mcenany rips media" [later fox news again blackrock stabs trump from back]

7 months ago

[] only kayleigh mcenany been do keep fox news somehow up

[KNOW] FOX NEWS talking points on moment are only how they telling what they do with talk same things from others what they are help do for to people THEY NOT FOR REAL PEOPLE, thats all only for make people look wrong direction, blackrock news platforms = communication between negative groups WITH ONLY LOOKS SOUNDS GOOD TO PUBLIC when get paid from blackrock for mislead later already talks codes, you hear both type news on all blackrock news platforms for keep you think dualism, good bad heaven hell positive negative plus minus thats all how generate unbalance two groups when both are one only illusion about two different sides

[!] fox news expose others for buy people trust for to manipulate population later, not different from ALEX JONES INFOWARS ALSO ALL OTHER SIMILAR 'ALTERNATIVE PLATFORMS', WHEN THEY KILL TRUMP THEN THEY ARE READY MOVE FORWARD WITH BLAME RUSSIA

Q: I thought they lost their effect no?

A: they been prepare to make suicide with try take as many people down they can before they all gone, they are all actors acting try talk like people look alike people but they are walk different, they all are only movie ready paid deep programmed automatic negativities until full disclosure happen, they not been stop even was think people was get weeks more time, looks sounds not so much time when they was figure they been exposed already beyond they capacity to hide they all wrong doings

"alert alarm [FOX NEWS AKA BLACKROCK]"

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