7/16/24 The mighty giant slayer. ❤️

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America: Ohio in the Spotlight!
July 16, 2024 Veronika West
Ohio in the Spotlight!

JD Vance
Prophetically Interesting to Note that President Trump’s VP pick is JD Vance who is Ohio’s Senator…

Excerpt from “God Showed Me 18 Places in the Nation of America!“ from October 27, 2021:
16 Ohio
“Then, I saw Ohio as a small smooth rock in a sling in the hand of a mighty giant slayer. Ohio will become a rock of offense to the wicked plans and purposes of the enemy, and will be as a sharp two-edged sword that will sever demonic cords of entanglement and entrapment over the Nation.
Listen, for a sound of a sudden ‘thud’ in The Realm of The Spirit, for the heads of giants will roll and the very sword of the enemy shall be taken up by the hand of the righteous and it shall be used to cut off the head of the serpent spirit.”
For full Word from “God Showed Me 18 Places in the Nation of America!“ please see:
God showed me these 18 places in the nation of America!
So friends, a few days ago, I was caught up in a powerful encounter with The Spirit of The LORD during a time of Worship and Prayer, when suddenly he showed me eighteen (18) specific places within The United States of America.
Why these particular places? I do not have revelation on that, but what I received, I submit by Faith and Trust that in time, The LORD will fully reveal His Reasons and His Plans.
In the meantime, I will be praying strategically and intentionally for these eighteen (18) highlighted places, and certainly the rest of the nation of America will also be in my intercessory crosshairs in the days ahead!
1 New York
First, …I saw New York suddenly brought to its knees in humility and surrender before God.
I heard, ”The stiff necked shall be broken and the land shall be purged, purified, and made a resting place for My Redemption and Reforming Power!”
2 Pennsylvania
Then I saw Pennsylvania laying prostrate on its face, petitioning heaven for The Rule of Justice and Righteousness, as a sound of Liberty Bells could be heard ringing out across the Nation.
I heard, “Pennsylvania! Pennsylvania! The sound of your Petitions and Praises have penetrated the very heart of The Father! Watch! For divine reversals draws nigh!”
3 Philadelphia
I saw Philadelphia, and I heard these Words, ”Freedom shall ring out of Philadelphia, a land that shall become a beacon of Hope and Light for a Nation in deep darkness and despair.
Philadelphia, for you shall lead the way in troubled and challenging times ahead. You shall make a stand for Righteousness and Justice and you shall not relent in the pursuit for truth.
Watch! For your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt, you shall raise up the foundations of many generations. You shall be called The Repairer of The Breach, The Restorer of Streets to live in…”
4 Michigan
I saw the eyes of Michigan looking to the great Mountain of The LORD, seeking help and rescue in the midnight hour.
I saw The Scales of Justice tipping over the land of Michigan.
Michigan, let not your heart be troubled for a Double Door stands open before you, and the sound of a voice shall be heard crying aloud, ”Behold — for The Glory of The LORD draws near!”
5 Arizona
Then I saw Arizona with its arms lifted high into the air, in the Power of Praise and Thanksgiving, putting a demand on Heaven to move in great Might and Power in the days ahead.
Arizona will see the strong governmental hand of God move on your behalf. A large and effective Door is opening up before Arizona
I heard the Words, ”Step in! Step in and see My wondrous working Power to Save and Rescue!”
6 California
Then suddenly I heard a loud cry of weeping coming out of The State of California as deep repentance and surrender began to take place.
I saw a great shaking over the land; Harvest Angels with sickles in their hands were moving strategically across The State of California.
I saw the waters of the sea being violently stirred up. Get ready California, for a wave of His Glory and Grace is coming to wash you clean and purify the land. The soil is fertile and a time of great fruitfulness is upon you.
7 Florida
I saw the Harvest Fields of Florida are white, and a multitude of Warring Angels are now being assigned to this land. A great uprooting and tearing down of demonic strongholds is taking place.
Watch! Florida will fall upon its knees under weight of His Glory, a place sealed and set apart for a mighty demonstration of Signs, Wonders and Miracles.
Florida will be seen rising up from her sick-bed, clothed in The Glory of The LORD and going forth to awaken and raise up other nation states that are sleeping and dead.
I see in The Spirit The State of Florida as a fuse, and the Fire of His Glory suddenly igniting that fuse. Watch! For there is an explosion of His Glory and Power coming out of Florida that will touch all four corners of the Nation.
8 Alaska
I saw Alaska and I heard these Words, “What good can come out of Alaska? This land covered with ice!
But I say, “Look! For an Army of great Reformers and radical Kingdom Revivalists filled and fueled with the Fires of My Glory and Power will arise from this frozen and often forgotten land.
Listen! For out of Alaska will come the sound of The Roar of The Lion of Judah that shall shake Canada, and cause a ripple effect across the Nations; a sound that shall awaken the sleeping giants to their feet!””
9 Georgia
Then I saw Georgia dressed in Royal Garments of Glory and Wonder, a new wine skin state filled with The New Wine of The Spirit that will flow forth like a mighty River upon the Nation.
Georgia shall wear The Mantle of The Manifold Wisdom and Spirit of God, and it shall become a State that shall demonstrate the Might, Power, Wisdom and The Fear of The LORD to all the four corners of the Nation.
10 Washington DC
Then I saw Washington DC like a sleeping giant being awakened, and arising in the governmental Authority of Heaven. With The Key of David laid upon its shoulders, it shall take its rightful place within the Nations.
A territory fiercely contended for, shall become a place of divine overturning and overthrowing of demonic thrones and satanic strongholds.
Sudden and swift changes to Laws and Legislation will take place, that will cause a greater shaking across the Nations, that will bring forth Revival and a Great Harvest of souls.
11 Hawaii
Then I saw Hawaii as a Lighthouse, a Beacon of Hope and Divine Deliverance in the midst of the dark storms that will rage across the Nations in the coming days.
Hawaii will see an explosion of God’s Glory, that will capture the attention of the World. A tidal wave of God’s Redemptive Power will hit Hawaii, that will cause the islands of the earth to be shaken and shifted into perfect alignment with the end-time Purposes of God.
12 Nevada
I saw Nevada becoming a Spiritual Oasis in the Desert where many will come to drink from The Waters of Revival and Restitution. It will be a place of Divine Encounters and supernatural visitation.
Nevada will become a hotspot for the Revival, no longer a land in The Valley of Decision, but a land that shall become A Holy Habitation for The Glory of Heaven that will bring supernatural Change and Transform to the land.
13 Wisconsin
I saw Wisconsin walking under the weight of His Glory, yoked like two strong oxen with The Spirit of Wisdom and The Spirit of The Fear of The LORD.
A land of promise, flowing with milk and honey, Wisconsin shall be saved and delivered; a place where The Whirlwind of God shall bring a Gathering of The Harvest and a scattering of the wolves dressed in sheep’s clothing.
14 Texas
I saw Texas with deep wells filled with The Oil of Revival and Restoration for The Healing of the Nations; a land that has been sealed and set apart by God.
Texas, a state that has been divinely handpicked as a Forerunner State for Kingdom Reformation, Transformation and Change, Texas shall become a Trumpet for Truth and Righteous Rule and Freedom.
15 Nashville
I saw Nashville. A new sound will be heard coming out of Nashville that will herald a new Healing and Restoration Movement, a place that will become a hub for Supernatural Signs, Wonders and Miracles that will astound and awaken the world to the manifest Power and Authority of The Living God.
Nashville shall become an Altar of Awakening and Revival.
16 Ohio
Then, I saw Ohio as a small smooth rock in a sling in the hand of a mighty giant slayer. Ohio will become a rock of offense to the wicked plans and purposes of the enemy, and will be as a sharp two-edged sword that will sever demonic cords of entanglement and entrapment over the Nation.
Listen, for a sound of a sudden ‘thud’ in The Realm of The Spirit, for the heads of giants will roll and the very sword of the enemy shall be taken up by the hand of the righteous and it shall be used to cut off the head of the serpent spirit.
17 Nebraska
I saw Nebraska standing tall as a Lightning Rod. Nebraska will become as a catalyst for a New Move of The Spirit of Truth and Justice, for The Light of His Glory shall break forth from Nebraska, causing the darkness within the Nations to be fully exposed and uncovered, for out of Nebraska will come a sound that shall herald the coming of A Billion Soul Harvest in the Nations of the earth!
18 Kansas
I saw Kansas under an open Heaven, a place of Supernatural Encounter and Divine Translation and Angelic Visitation.
I see a Stairway appear over this land that connects Heaven and earth; Angels ascending and descending; a birthing place of dreamers and visionaries.
Kansas, a place where heaven kisses earth and where Supernatural Suddenlies and Divine Shiftings will take place that will usher in a New Move of The Spirit of The LORD in the Nations.
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

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