The Tragic Downfall of LowTierGod

8 months ago

0:00 Intro
0:27 Age and Why He Hides It
2:26 Why He Hates His Dad and Sister
8:04 Constant Racism on Twitch
11:45 His Use of Slurs on Twitch
19:05 His Alleged Felony
20:05 The Beginning of The Fall
23:57 The Fall (Trolls)
34:30 Doxxing History
41:54 How His Love Life Affected Him
44:00 How His Ex Gf Ruined Him
53:16 Ab*sing Fans
55:21 Every time LTG's Been Banned
59:26 LTG Doesn't Care About Anything But Money and Fame
1:03:31 LTG's Award Speech Fiasco
1:06:36 More LTG Depraivity
1:09:53 What Now?

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