7/15/2024: Bobby Azarian, author of 'The Romance of Reality'

7 months ago

Mark Welcomes Bobby Azarian, author of 'The Romance of Reality'. We discuss Howard Bloom, conspiracies, consciousness, religion, philosophy, theism, base reality, simulation theory & turtles, turtles, turtles, all the way down. This week has been the most amazing of my entire life, intellectually. Thanks to those I met & those with whom I plan to have future conversations.
Road to Omega Substack: https://roadtoomega.substack.com/
X: @BobbyAzarian
Outro: ”Goodnight, Sweetheart, Goodnight” - This score is in public domain and may be freely downloaded, printed, and performed. The sound file may be downloaded for personal use. For more information see https://lincolnlibraries.org/polley-music-library/

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