How do you? Celebrate Jesus Christ in your daily life? Part 2

7 months ago

Now presenting part 2 of this series! In part 1 of this series we went into and discovered the many ways we as believers in Christ do and can celebrate Jesus in our daily lives, despite the imposed worldly definition of "Celebrate" and it's rigid confines. We accomplished this by examining scripture, seeking the Lord in prayer and found reconciliation to affirm the biblical truths that contrast with or agree with the worlds laid out definition. Today we'll be continuing into this process and address the other areas of concern that our worldly definition gives and how it sets the stage for spiritual warfare that seeks to divide us from Christ and our fellow brothers and sisters who are made in the image of God, All of humanity. Join in on this journey together as we navigate the fields of spiritual warfare and grow ever so closer to Jesus Christ. Amen.

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