The Tower XVI: Face of Satan

2 months ago

*** EXCLUSIVE 4 RUMBLE *** /// *** In this video I discuss The Tower and the concept that DESTRUCTION (Shiva) is a precondition for CONSTRUCTION (Brahma) and that all PRESERVATION (Vishnu) is TEMPORARY... *** ///


The U.S. Games Rider-Waite Tarot deck >>>


Seven African Powers: Orisha Significance & Roles (Basis of Afro-Cuban Santeria) >>>


"African elements in Macumba rituals include an outdoor ceremonial site, the sacrifice of animals (such as cocks), spirit offerings (such as candles, cigars, and flowers), and ritual dances. Macumba rites are led by mediums, who fall prostrate in trances and communicate with holy spirits. Roman Catholic elements include use of the cross and the worship of saints, who are given African names such as Ogum (St. George), Xangô (St. Jerome), and Iemanjá (the Virgin Mary)." >>>

"Vodou is a worldview encompassing philosophy, medicine, justice, and religion. Its fundamental principle is that everything is spirit. Humans are spirits who inhabit the visible world. The unseen world is populated by lwa (spirits), mystè (mysteries), anvizib (the invisibles), zanj (angels), and the spirits of ancestors and the recently deceased. All these spirits are believed to live in a mythic land called Ginen, a cosmic “Africa.” ..." >>>


New York City Street Occultism:

Evil Faces in Smoke of 9-11

Satan’s Face (New York Magazine)

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