The camel and the jackel

8 months ago

The story of the camel and the jackal is a classic fable found in various cultures, often featuring a moral lesson. One popular version is:

A camel and a jackal were once traveling together in the desert. The jackal was clever but often hungry and struggling for food, while the camel was strong and able to endure the harsh desert conditions.

One day, the jackal spotted a delicious-looking feast near a small village. The jackal, feeling bold, decided to go and have a look. The camel was too tired to follow, so the jackal went alone. The jackal, using its cunning, managed to get the food and enjoy it thoroughly.

When the jackal returned to the camel, it boasted about its cleverness and the abundance of food it had found. The camel, who had been waiting patiently and enduring the heat and hunger, replied, "It's easy to be clever and find food when you have the strength and endurance of a camel to fall back on. But it's not as easy when you're alone and without support."

The moral of the story is that while cleverness and cunning have their place, strength, patience, and perseverance are also essential qualities. In life, both cleverness and endurance can complement each other to achieve success.

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