Walt Disney's Victory Through Airpower (1943) Trailer

7 months ago

Trailer for the 1943 animated feature based of the book of the same title by Maj. Alexander P. de Seversky.

Plot: this adaptation of de Serversky's book was personally funded by Walt and is credited for getting FDR and Churchill to focus on aerial campaigns to win World War II.


Maj. Alexander de Seversky as himself
Art Baker as narrator

Score by Edward H. Plumb, Paul J. Smith, and Oliver Wallace.

Story by Perce Pearce, T. Hee, Erdman Penner, Bill Cottrell, James Brodero, George Stallings, and Jose Rodriguez

Directed by James Algar, Clyde Geronimi, & Jack Kinney, and H.C. Potter

Release date July 17, 1943

Posted for historical purposes. This channel is not affiliated with the Walt Disney Company

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