Seven Minutes After C19 Injection Her Mother Died of Natural Causes

7 months ago

Stephanie Foster had not had an epileptic episode in 22 years. Required to get vaccinated by her employer, Stephanie suffered a seizure after her second shot and again after her booster. Motor vehicles took her license away as a result. Stephanie still suffers blackouts. Carol Pearce was Stephanie’s mother. Carol received her booster shot at a Shoppers Drug Mart in Saskatoon and was dead within 10 minutes. Stephanie said the coroner hadn’t even looked at or touched her mother and sat in the chair beside Stephanie and told her it was not the shot. Stephanie said, “I knew right then: you’re lying. You’re lying to me. There’s no way you know that”.

But they didn't die from Covid, which has an infection fatality rate similar to that of influenza. So they should be grateful to the vaccine manufacturers, and the governments and employers who ensured their product uptake through coercion, lies and mandates. Because that is how Fascism works.

See Stephanie's full testimony here:


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