Netanyahu Is Coming to Washington to Address Congress. Activists Are Mobilizing to Arrest Him.

7 months ago

Netanyahu aka Naziyahu Is Coming to Washington to Address Congress. Activists Are Mobilizing to Arrest Him.

Jul 15, 2024 Via BreakThrough News

Benjamin Netanyahu is coming to Washington to address Congress on July 24th.

Activists are calling for a mass mobilization to arrest him for war crimes.

Arrest them all and hang them all for high treason and sedition! War profiteers, two-faced hypocrites, no shame. Another revolution is needed. All shamelessly getting richer off of lobbyists blood money. Palestinians in Gaza and Westbank being massacred daily and Americans are sinking into homelessness, depression, suicide while these corporatist hypocrites smile ear to ear profiteering from insider trading, lobby and blood money.

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