7 months ago

Dallas police officer J.D. Tippet was killed because he was a JFK look alike. They needed a brain and a body for the deliberately botched postmortem investigation. Lee Oswald never fired a shot from any bookstore window.

Jack Ruby (Rubenstein) shortened to Ruby (I can see why) was CIA on a do it or die mission when he killed Oswald. Ruby was the "in man" in Texas who could be trusted to arrange call girls, drugs, gambling fixes and even contract killings.

The man that killed Kennedy was driving the limo that day. His name was William Greer.
There were other shooters but they were ineffective. Greer was the last one. Yes JFK was killed by those paid to protect him.

George Bush Senior was in Dallas working for the CIA at that time and was there.
He directed the murder and the cover up of killing JFK

There was a meeting the night before in Dallas for the planning of the assassination. The group met in Dallas hosted at the home of Clint Murchison, another business tycoon (and owner of the Dallas Cowboys) with close links to the Genovese mafia, on November 21st 1963, the night before the assassination. Those present at the event included Bush Sr., J. Edgar Hoover, Clyde Tolson, John J. McCloy, Jack Ruby, George Brown (of Brown and Root), numerous mafia kingpins and Richard Nixon. Lyndon B. Johnson showed up late about 11pm. Yes he was in on it also. It was join or die with the conspirators.

LBJ had to be in on it because people who were set to testify against Johnson for indictment proceedings, related to illegal kickbacks Johnson was receiving from agriculture programs before the assassination, were mysteriously set-up in homosexual scandals or found dead having allegedly shot themselves five times in the head. If he did not go along with the killing they would expose and then kill him.

Murchison owned LBJ and the State of Texas law enforcement and stood to lose a fortune if Kennedy changed the oil depletion allowance and faced the very real possibility of jail time should then-Vice President Johnson be indicted, which gave the appearance of being a certainty.

More reasons:
The CIA was facing a thorough gutting at the hands of Kennedy as were their close colleagues in organized crime and the oil industry. Kennedy wanted to end the war in Vietnam and the Pentagon (Pentagram) and the scumbags who supply them were facing the loss of billions upon billions of of dollars in profits and payoffs if Kennedy turned off the Vietnam gravy train. Hoover (the closet fag-the mafia had the proof in pictures and recordings) and Johnson knew each other very well, hated Kennedy and had very strong self-preservation reasons to want him dead. Both had been involved in political murders separately – and were to collaborate on future ones.

Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King were both assassinated during the Johnson-Hoover regime and Johnson was the president during the infamous USS Liberty incident. Robert Kennedy, like his brother, and Martin Luther King were murdered after they started talking against war in Vietnam. (Another too rarely mentioned connection).

With Hoover in charge of the FBI and Johnson in control of the Federal government and Texas law enforcement, there was no investigation of the crime and any evidence that contradicted the manufactured “lone nut” theory was altered. created and in some cases outright destroyed.

According to Otto Skorzeny, Scherff is the real last name of the Bush Family. They came from Germany. They were Nazi's. They have direct ties to Adolph Hitler, Martin Borman, Joseph Mengele and Reinhardt Gehlen,

Reinhardt Gehlen was a chief SS officer and assassin who was smuggled out of Germany under Project Paperclip. Skorzeny was Hitler’s bodyguard and SS spy/assassin who came to the U.S. after the war under Project Paperclip

Skorzeny and GHW Bush were instrumental in merging Nazi (SS) intelligence with the OSI to form the CIA with “Wild Bill” Donovan and Allen Dulles. These guys were also part of CIA mind control experiments such as MK-ULTRA.

The planting of George H. Walker Scherff and his group was the start of the take down of America. The JFK assassination was part of this. We are living in the Fourth Reich thanks to the Bush/Scherff family and Project Paperclip.

The military-industrial complex is in control of the US (Eisenhower warned JFK about this). A criminally minded CIA and organized crime figures in the US and abroad collaborate on projects of mutual interest (drug running, assassination, the suppression of dissent) on a daily basis as they have done since WW II. The US news media – as well as the vast majority of academia – is an impotent joke paid and controlled by the CIA.

These are the powers in the shadows (shadow government) that have guided and controlled the US since Kennedy’s assassination and they continue to get away with just about anything. Covid19 originated in the Pentagon.

From the research of Jim Crenshaw

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