DOWNTOWN EAST SWEEP / Non-Stress Sleipnir-Ouroboros Bld /#Gameplay of the #Division2 #TomClancy #WZ

6 months ago

Sleipnir-Ouroboros isn't the best weapon combo, but this pair is my favorate. Sleipnir allows lots of lazy gameplay especially if your character can sit in a strong position and spray the enemy with bullets. Busy weekend for me, so not much time to do anything beyond the daily. Fallen Cranes Control Point, Territory Control, and Grand Washington Hotel mission.

Build Breakdown:

Main Weapon: Sleipnir (with CHC 3rd Attribute)
Secondary Weapon: Ouroboros (with ROF 3rd Attribute)
Pistol: 93R

Mask: Coyote's Mask (Red Core)
Chest: Striker's Battlegear (CHD)(CHD) (Blue Core)
Holster: Striker's Battlegear (CHD) (Blue Core)
Backpack: Striker's Battlegear (CHD)(CHD) (Blue Core)
Gloves: Eagle's Grasp (CHD) (Blue Core)
Kneepads: Striker's Battlegear (CHD)(Blue Core)

Crusader Shield/Striker Shield
Revive Hive

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