Claiming the Ascension Trinity/Breaking the Father Myth

7 months ago

In order to manifest for the New Earth we need to understand the power of the Trinity so that we can use this ancient, sacred coding for the Angelic Human mission into 5D.
This journey will take us through the why and how of the current Trinity and then reveal the trinity of pure conscious as the only true trinity coding for creating the New Earth
I will reveal the deceptions behind the false Trinity and how it has been used against us, then I will reveal the steps to the true trinity model we need to be using for Angelic human divine co-creation.
They have shoved this Father/son Trinity so far down our spiritual throats that we have acute spiritual indigestion, especially regarding the source of creation.
WHY was the mother surgically removed from all existence?
WHY was she banished from the Trinity?
Humanity dies without the Mother, the feminine represents sound and sound came first before light!
We also know creation originates with the masculine & feminine, electric and magnetic organic coupling to produce matter.
The point of this is that we need a correct model of the trinity,
I believe I have found a hidden Trinity template for manifesting the New Earth and beyond!
Hidden in plain sight and I am going to explain why and how we get there.
Humanity has been taken out at the knees by the omission of the Mother and this is the story of WHY this was done.
The Trinity is the known model of creation all the way down to a nano-particle level.
Why were they so obsessed about leaving out woman
Except for virgins, and naming powerful women like like Mary Magdalene as whores?
The TRINITY is a vastly overlooked and extremely powerful coding system that has been used against humanity.
It is time for us to look to our Galactic history for answers where we find without a doubt, the one true trinity model for the entire multiverse. THEN we need to apply it to the New Earth paradigm that awaits us. This ancient trinity wisdom needs to be revealed now as it is the ultimate symbol for Unity Consciousness.

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