Dr. Martin says that Covid pandemic was a coup on President Trump

5 months ago

"In 2014 when that gain of function moratorium was authorized to be waived by the UNC-Chapel Hill, the pathogen that they were working on was the Wuhan Institute of Virology virus 1 spike protein.
In 2016 they said it was poised for human emergence and in 2018 and 2019 a very bizarre thing happened. The US government reclaimed the patent from the UNC-Chapel Hill and the Department of Health and Human Services at the National Institutes of Health took that UNC-Chapel Hill patent on infectious replication defective coronavirus and reclaimed title and interest to it.
And 4 months later in April of 2019 Moderna amended 4 patent applications in which they made the following statement: After an accidental or intentional release of a respiratory pathogen...
This was Moderna amending 4 patent filings in April of 2019. Then in September 18th of 2019 we have the addition of the lethal respiratory pathogen that's gonna be accidentally or intentionally released.
One day later September 19th 2019 President Trump is handed an executive order which unfortunately was him signing an executive order which is the coup d'état that overthrew him....
What he did when he signed the executive order on September 19th 2019 is he actually put in motion the events that would lead to the cascade of the pandemic and it was the pandemic that was used as cover operation to overthrow the democracy of the US.
There is no question that this had nothing to do with public health. This had everything to do with Anthony Fauci announcing that he was going to do a coup.
He actually executed the coup and here's our problem collectively. We're waiting for a despot in Colombia or in Panama to show up with fatigues and actually have a violent interaction. We wouldn't recognize a coup in the 21st century if it happened right in front of our eyes. We have no idea that it's dancing nurses and it's doctors that are on camera and PR..."

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