Nigel Farage has sniffed a new opportunity as he runs to Trump

2 months ago

Right, so I have gone on record as saying I don’t think Nigel Farage will last the full 5 years as an MP, that having to work for a living is really not his thing, but even I thought he’d last longer than 2 weeks before disappearing, but disappearing he is, off to America, sod the people of Clacton who elected him, because Donald Trumps needs him! Needs you for what Nige? You’ve a job to do!
A lot of conjecture surrounded Farage suddenly announcing he was going to stand for parliament when it looked like he was readying himself to head stateside to hang with Trump, but with jailtime looming on the horizon for the big orange man-baby, Farage suddenly made a decision to stay here instead. Now there’s been this alleged attempt on Trump’s life though, and with him milking it for all it’s worth, perhaps there’s been a shift and certainly Farage is shifting with it, because if the people of Clacton think he’s going to stick with them over Donald Trump, they can think again and Farage’s tenure as an MP, should Trump become president again, or even before that point, may be a shorter one than any of us thought.
Right, so Nigel Farage, not a guy known for his work ethic, more for opportunism and getting his face on TV as much as possible, yet despite all of that, few politicians have done more harm to political discourse and the economy with his Brexit con artistry than he has. Yet elected as MP for Clacton he has been, with a majority of 8.405 and just 10 days into the job, he’s disappearing already.
He claims he’s going to stand up for democracy, yet apparently that doesn’t include respecting the democratic mandate he’s been given by the people of Clacton, he’s rushing off to attend the Republican party convention to be held in Milwaukee instead and perhaps his comments regarding this are giving away his true intentions:
‘Next week, I will be travelling to Milwaukee to the Republican Convention. I do so to support my friend, Donald Trump, as we head into the later stages of an era-defining election. He is the favourite to win – and after today’s heinous acts he will win.’
Oh so all of a sudden he’s now guaranteed to win is he? Certainly I think this alleged assassination attempt will only have helped Trump, not to mention the ongoing mess Joe Biden is making of matters from his side, his mental capacity constantly coming into question, but equally if this attempt on Trump’s life, as many suspect, and it is all still a matter of investigation, that Trump set this up, well the fact such a thing is even believable of the man should bring his own mental health into question frankly.
Farage looked set to head off stateside to work with Trump and a Trump led administration until all the subsequent lawsuits Trump was involved with began to fall apart, at which point jail started to look more likely, that isn’t beyond the realms of possibility still, but all of a sudden things looked a lot less rosy for opportunistic ratbag Farage and so he came back to take over Reform UK from Richard Tice, Tice went back to being Party chair briefly, before becoming Deputy Leader, both have been elected as MPs, along with 30p Lee, Lee Anderson, now farcically the party whip and a couple of others too.
It always looked like Plan B for Farage and him rushing off to Trump’s side now, reinforces that belief even further, and not just rotten lefties like myself miles opposed to what this private company Reform UK Ltd, represent as they masquerade as a political party, but to people within the party itself too as this excerpt from the London Economic shows:
‘Reform returned five MPs to the House of Commons in the election, but a recent restructuring of their leadership may hint at a few cracks surfacing within the party. Zia Yusuf was brought in as party chair, and Ben Habib has been ousted as deputy leader.
Habib hasn’t taken this reshuffle lightly, though. Speaking over the weekend, he says that Nigel Farage has ‘too much control’ over the party, and claims that there is a ‘democratic deficit’ within Reform itself.
‘It may be acceptable for a start-up business founded by a star performer, but a political party should not be controlled by one man. Other parties have boards, executive committees, and elections for leadership positions.”
“Nigel’s control has allowed decisions and progress to be made rapidly. But this is not sustainable. Apart from anything else, Reform cannot make the argument for democracy, let alone champion it, with such a glaring democratic deficit.’
Perhaps it’s news to Ben Habib, but Reform UK, literally was a start-up business founded by a star performer, though star is a relative term insofar as there was never a shortage of public appearances for Farage, ratings winner that he was, the bile he spouted not nearly as big a concern to our media, but it has remained as such ever since, Reform UK is not a political party, Farage himself said why that was the case and it was because it would have meant other people having a say in how it was run and not just him calling the shots. It is as undemocratic an organisation as you could ever find and the entire party will have to suck it up if Farage does as he always does and puts his own self interest first and if that means disappearing off to be Trump’s new sidekick then so be it, sucks to be them.
But Farage heading off to this rally, to show his support for Trump in this time of need, I mean what’s he going to do? Hold his hand? Donnie only needs that for when he has a tricky set of steps to manage. Is he taking a big bandage to wrap Trumps head with, to go full van Gogh on the American people to just wring a few more sympathy votes out of them?
Perhaps if he goes to the US permanently he’ll try and hang on as Clacton MP, I can just imagine people there boarding a plane to attend a constituency surgery, I’d almost consider it a bonus in a strange sort of way, because I have absolutely no problem with Farage bogging off to the US, it’s him coming back again that bothers me even more.
While the London Economic is critical of Farage, you just knew there would be a right wing rag more than happy to let Farage tell his side without a second thought and in this case it’s been the Torygraph. Farage has penned a piece for them entitled: ‘I’m flying to America to support Trump in this desperate hour’ and again the question hangs in the air as to what exactly he’s going to do to make any difference. Trump is already making hay out of this whilst the sun shines, but Farage makes no bones about who he blames for it of course – the left.
The byline for his piece reads:
‘He’s had a narrow miss. It’s a miracle. I implore the Left to think very carefully about how they seek to play politics.’
Ah, so it’s all my fault and people like me is it? The 20 year old assailant, Thomas Matthew Crooks, was wearing the merchandise of a pro firearms YouTube channel and was a registered member of the Republican Party, that’s Trump’s party. You only have to have a cursory scroll through Trumpcentric Tik Tok circles to see the number of deranged MAGA worshipping idiots talking what ifs, what if the bullet didn’t miss by an inch? Smack talking at democrats as if they were responsible, getting giddy at the idea of going to war literally against their fellow Americans, totally bypassing these halfwits with two braincells between them fighting over third place, that they are now inciting the very violence they’re accusing others of in light of all of this.
But don’t let that stop Nigel any more than them from spouting off, and here’s a handy excerpt of his article to illustrate that:
‘It’s only a comment. It’s only a joke. It’s only a milkshake. So the Left squawk each time someone drenches me with a drink, or a so-called comedian suggests people should throw battery acid at me on the BBC. It’s just a joke. If you’re a politician, it’s part of the job description, right?
Well, that is not true. The words deployed by the Left are, I believe, encouraging people. Rocks were thrown at me during the election campaign, and last night President Trump was shot. The favourite to be the next President mere millimetres away from death.
The ‘be kind’ brigade must now realise that their language has an impact. It has become commonplace amongst the media elite to view Trump as an authoritarian fascist – it is now so normal to hear that those of us on the right, who care about our countries, are somehow authoritarian dictators.’
Trump has only ever cared about himself, it was not a lefty that shot Trump and comparing that to you being ridiculed at the receiving end of dairy products is not the same thing either. This is you, yet again being given a platform to spout falsehoods and weaponise an alleged assassination attempt to sow discord and attack the political polar opposite of everything you yourself stand for, of sanctioning such things. Of course we don’t, if you really want to hurt Trump you take his money off him, you take his toys away, you lock him up for provoking an insurrection, you deny him the presidency again, you don’t make him a martyr, you don’t deify him and his death would have done that and the political fallout from it would have been immense.
The only reason Farage is going to America, is the same reason Trump is running for President, power, preside and position for he himself personally now. If Trump gets elected again, you won’t see Farage for dust in Clacton again, of that I’m very sure.
Then there’s the theory that Farage standing and getting elected was all part of a gimmick or stunt to see Labour brought into power in exchange for Farage being given an uncontested run at parliament for the eighth time, after Labour withdrew their candidate in Clacton on very suspicious grounds. Him sodding off to America would be an even bigger win for Reform UK, but is this just conspiracy theory, or can we point to some evidence? Take a look at this video recommendation to find out a bit more on that and I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks.

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