China Holds Sino-Russian Drills, Conducts Joint Exercises With Belarus Near NATO Border

7 months ago

07/15/2024 The CCP conducted joint naval exercises with Russia in its southern military port, deliberately demonstrating the deepening strategic partnership between the two countries to counter the West. Simultaneously, the CCP conducted an 11-day joint military exercise with Belarus near the NATO border. The purpose is obviously to send a signal to Europe and demonstrate the CCP’s growing military influence.
#China-Russiaalliance #jointmilitaryexercises #counterNATO #ChinaRussiaBelarus #geopoliticaltensions
07/15/2024 中共在南部军港与俄罗斯展开海上联合军演,蓄意展示了两者为对抗西方而不断深化的战略伙伴关系。与此同时,中共还在北约边境附近与白俄罗斯进行为期11天的联合军演,其目的不言而喻,就是向欧洲发出信号,并展示中共不断扩大的军事影响力。
#中俄联盟 #联合军演 #对抗北约 #中国俄罗斯白俄罗斯 #地缘政治紧张

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