WORST LIGHTING (and possibly filmmaking) EVER

7 months ago

vortex i gotta show you sumin *SPOILER: i don't
i don't like filming in front of other people for the same reason that i hate being on stage
this is kinda cool, people don't notice you walking for the most part
i walked all the way over here n didn't even focus on what i wanted you to see hahahaha i am so silly
it matters who leads...no it doesn't
exercising, eating right, teaching yer kids, treat yer animals right whatever you got
bust yer ass at yer job
do stuff that you believe in
they are all masons so...
it's only a matter of time until all the "red" states turn bright blue
we could have a functioning system but we insist of continuing to trust them
you go on the internet so you can get the media involved
nothing is ever a secret anymore
let's just get shit done
you can't have this attitude when you wanna make sumin
if they lack nuance they won't be able to solve problems
i think i use social media right and this is a very very small demographic over here
it is actually subjective tho
black anti-5g paint, that seems like sumin i would have
they always stop right when you pay more attention
why i continue to go to bars
it is possible, glad to be out on a saturday night
i'm willing to bet that bitch is 250lbs n drinkin tequila
i never did stuff like that back when i partied
sometimes i am jealous of those that socialize
just like kurt said...oh and also you guys
you can't listen to the nay-sayers no matter what their reasoning
i get super suicidal so this is just self-preservation for me
i haven't trusted the govt since i was 6
i have taken booster shots so i know what they do
i definitely don't live in no sand
i am not gonna fixate on orwellian crap n i really don't get how anyone w/ a smartphone can complain about it
it's pretty hypocritical wouldn't you say
maybe if you only accessed yer phone once a wk...
just going along cos it's what people do
they'd never listen to somebody like me
confirmation bias will kick in but i promise you i don't wanna control you
imma continue to walk around i think
i really really like walking n so do mentally ill people
i do drugs that allow me to walk around haha
i don't wanna be a cunt but...
the reasons for doing "dummie drugs" as stanhope calls em
most are not too conscious of the decisions that they make
they play victim cos they made the wrong choice
real prominent people complaining about not knowing stuff but they all have the internet in their pocket all the time
nobody knows how to use this technology right
if i had a smartphone i'd not only be the prez but i'd run this whole place
you're soooo lucky i refuse to upgrade cos as ruler of the free world i'd be a one helluva fascist

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