Nigmar's Bible Study 7/15/2024: Truth & Avoiding Deception

7 months ago

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Truth & Avoiding Deception Bible Study Verses:

Truth & Avoiding Deception
◦ Who is the truth?
▪ John 14:6 → Jesus is the truth.
▪ John 14:17 → The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth that abides in us.
▪ 1 John 2:27 → We don’t need men to teach us if Jesus abides in us as the truth from the
Holy Spirit.
◦ How can we avoid being deceived?
▪ What does the spirit tell you about Jesus?

1 John 4:1-4 → Every spirit that confesses Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of
God, every spirit that does NOT is NOT of God but the spirit of antichrist.

1 Corinthians 12:3 → Saying “Jesus is Lord” requires the Holy Spirit, no one
cursing Jesus can do it by the Holy Spirit.
▪ What if it is from an angel?

2 Corinthians 11:14 → Satan manifests as an angel of light.

Galatians 1:8-9 → If an angel or anyone else preaches a different gospel than that of
Jesus Christ, let them be cursed.
▪ How do we avoid false teachers and false prophets?

Matthew 7:15-20 → There are many false prophets who appear as fellow believers.
We are told we will know them by their fruits.
◦ Deuteronomy 18:21-22 → The fruits of a prophet are his or her prophecy, so if
the prophecy doesn’t come to pass, the prophet is false.

Matthew 24:24 → False prophets and false Christs will try to deceive even the elect,
those who believe on Jesus Christ, so we must have our guard up.

2 Peter 2:1 → Just as there are false prophets, there will also be false teachers
spreading heresies.

Galatians 5:22-23 → The Bible tells us what the fruits of the Holy Spirit are. If we
don’t see any of these fruits in a person who is a believer, teacher, or prophesying,
then they aren’t producing good fruit as the first fruit listed is love.
▪ How do we avoid self-deception?

Drop your pride, seek God first
◦ Proverbs 3:5-6 → Trust in the Lord, and lean not into our own understanding.
◦ Proverbs 26:12 → There is more hope for fools than wise men in their conceit.
◦ 1 Corinthians 3:18-20→ We are told to not be wise in this world, but we should
seek wisdom from God.
◦ James 1:5, Ephesians 1:17 → Ask God for wisdom who gives it liberally.

Look at what the scripture says about being deceived
◦ 1 Corinthians 6:9 → Do not be deceived that people who sin will not inherent
the kingdom of God.
◦ 2 Corinthians 11:3 → Beware lest your minds be corrupted from the simplicity
of Christ.
◦ Colossians 2:8 → We are warned to not be spoiled by philosophy, men, the
world or otherwise instead of Christ.
◦ James 1:26 → If you don’t bridle your tongue, you deceive your own heart and
your religion is useless.
◦ 2 John 7 → Many deceivers have gone out in the world.
◦ Revelation 18:23 → Many nations have been deceived by the vaccines.
◦ References:
▪ “Do Not Be Deceived!” Sermon:
▪ “False Doctrine and Common Misconceptions: Witness 1”:

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