PART 4 | 9/11 Road to October 7 - The JEWISH Confederacy & KKK link to The ADL, AIPAC & B'NAI B'RITH

7 months ago

Thank you for watching *PART 4* of 7, in our 7-Part video essay on 911 to October 7th.

Please Like, Subscribe and put your feedback in the comments and be kind to one another!

Culture is education.

Western society (Like the Roman Era) wants you to focus on entertainment, so you do not read into education and notice who is controlling your country.

Enjoy from the good hearts at Dudes Brewing.

Let’s keep healing our planet, 1 video at a time 😎❤️👌🏾🌟


Feel free to critique us in the comments. Free Speech over Me Speech. Love you all!!


0:00 - Intro: Civil Rights was Jewish Invention to subsidies, exploit African American "inclusion".

10:10 - 1945 Empire State Building Crash (New Yorks 1st 911 Plane Incident)

14:44 - B'nai B'rith Freemasons & American Freemason Alliance.

47:11 - B'nai Brith Atlanta's Leo Frank & the founding of the ADL

56:40 - Founding of Hollywood & Propaganda to re-ignite The Klan for the ADL?

1:00:50 - Jewish Confederates of the American Civl War

1:12:15 - Albert Pike & Kabbalah

1:20:41 - Martin Luther King & agent provocateurs

1:35:40 - Isreal & The ADL's greatest concern is African Americans Identifying as Africa instead of "Black"?

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