I Kno It's Harrrd

8 months ago

Anything worth having is hard get, if it was easy, everyone would have it, then no one would want it.

If u belong to the world the world will love u, if u belong to the Lord, well den, dey might not be yo biggest fan.

Narrow path.

I as the typer of these words want to make it very clear, I mess up. I struggle with sin. Lust of the flesh.

Weed and Corn are my biggest vices that separate me from the holy spirit. I will overcome this sin through Christ who strengthens me. i feel so pathetic not really from the weed, but the weed can put me on a dopamine train and then sometimes I fall into a trigger and boom great shame and dishonor to my ancestors.

Being that im a martial artist who fairly high level, i find it super shameful that even with the gifts God has given me, im not always on the ball. BUT THE TURN IS COMING. THE WAR WILL BE WON. JOIN ME BROTHER. YOU HAVE VICES THAT TIE YOU TO THE WORLD. Conquer your sin and addictions. I post this as my strategy is to make music i can listen to that wont lower my vibration, and help others overcome there addictions.

I must stay busy and away from triggers, it's a strategic game. Rumble is my therapist. Sometimes i see therapy ads. I would never, no shame but i cant imagine paying someone to unload my baggage. ill just tell my boi moose or some stranger in the sauna lol

God bless and I pray God opens your heart to the truth of Christ's Forgiveness.

Because even tho ive messed up so much, and feel so much, ive still allowed myself to be where i am now, which is not exactly where i want to be. But with that said, i still feel the forgiveness That Christ offers. The LOVE. THE GRATITUDE. THE PPPPPPOWWWAAAAAAAA.
couldnt do it without. Love u

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