Autobiography of a Fool in Hell (Introduction)

7 months ago

INTRODUCTION: The Burden of Ultimate Truth.

From the video:

I’m fifty-four years old, and my life up to this point has been an elaborate blend of misadventures which, when perceived from a limited, 3D, materialist perspective, may seem randomly absurd and meaningless.

However, when I widen and deepen my perception from beyond the meat suit my ego believes himself to be, I discover a larger context where everything is connected by cosmic and quantum forces linked together by a divinely orchestrated series of synchronicities.

From this zoomed-out perspective it is easy to reject the polarization inherent in the scientific materialist paradigm that strains to define our reality through narrow chinks of its cavern.

I am more than what our society says I am.

I am more than a homosapien with anxiety issues fated to endure a meager, pain-riddled existence of 73 average years on a planet overpopulated with other anxiety-riddled homosapiens with whom I have been socially programmed to fear and/or loathe.

In other words, I am not the physical body or the personality known as Damian. Rather, I am the one temporarily occupying and running the Damian mind/body complex.

Like an astronaut who dons a space suit before he leaves the earth’s atmosphere, I had a reason for coming here. The astronaut’s reason is not that different from my reason. In order for the astronaut to experience space, he needs the suit. In order for me to experience this 3D reality and everything that comes with it, I donned a homosapien suit.

The big difference between me and the astronaut? The astronaut knows why he is wearing his suit and what he is supposed to do with it. He is working on the space station that orbits the planet. He has a series of assignments he is meant to fulfill and when he has finished, or his allotted time has expired, he returns to earth and removes the suit.

He knows his suit as a suit and he knows himself without the suit. He lives his life on terra firma until he is called to space again to fulfill another series of assignments.

I, like the vast majority of homosapiens on this planet at this time, have forgotten why I chose the homosapien suit and I have forgotten why I decided to come here and what I’m supposed to do. Likewise, I have only vague impressions and ideas about who I am beyond my homosapien suit.

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