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FlyOver Conservatives-Supernatural OVERTAKING the Natural-Prophetic Report-Stacy Whited-Captions
Prophecies | Supernatural OVERTAKING the Natural - The Prophetic Report with Stacy Whited - Veronica West, Diana Larkin, Jen Tringale, Robin D. Bullock, 11th Hour, Mike Thompson, Hank Kunneman, Julie Green, Barry Wunsch, Alex Newman
In this series of recent prophetic words, key figures have highlighted significant prophetic insights and social commentary. Jesse Watters on June 12, 2024, delivered a pointed analysis on current political dynamics. Jen Tringale at Oasis Church on June 16, 2024, emphasized the importance of spiritual awakening and preparation for forthcoming challenges. Robin D Bullock, in multiple sessions on June 16 and June 18, 2024, warned of impending upheavals and the exposure of hidden agendas, urging believers to stay steadfast in their faith. Mike Thompson on June 9, 2024, and Hank Kunneman on June 16, 2024, both underscored the necessity of prayer and prophetic action in confronting societal issues. Julie Green on June 17, 2024, prophesied the eviction of corrupt powers and a divine reordering of authority. Alex Newman on June 18, 2024, discussed the broader implications of these prophetic messages on the Flyover Conservatives show, reinforcing the call for vigilance and spiritual readiness.
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So, what are the prophets saying? Well, I'm actually going to start with by reading one today. This came from Elijah List and it is Veronica West from Ireland and this came out on June the 17th 2000 twenty-four. So if you go to the Prophet Report. com again the Prophet Report. com we're going to go to Writt en Prophetic Words. If you notice the title of the show today, it's called Supernatural Overtaking the Natural. We're going to experience that for on thi s first one right away why I titled the show that this is called The Joker the Queen and the King crown. So a note from Veronica West. This prophetic word originally was released in 2021. So we're looking at three years ago. It once again coming to the forefront and Holy Spirit is bringing it to our attention. Please keep in mind friends there is no reward in being mere spectators of the word but we must be partakers. We must war with the word. Dreams and visions are portals to divine possibilities. They are an to partner with heaven to see the word fulfilled. Watch and pray and then these pictures that you're going to see in here. They actually came from Fox News June the 12th 2000twenty-four that you're going to see in here and I want to tell you we're going to actually show that clip from Fox News after I read this prophetic word. It's so powerful. Again, this was written. The lord gave it to Veronica in twenty twenty-one. We're seeing it 20 twenty-four but now we're seeing it in the natural on Fox News. So, check this out. Joker Biden's balancing act with the Queen of Hearts Kamala Harris and the stolen crown of the king. Yes, the title is a mouthful but it encapsulates the essence of the dream. Bear with me. So last night, January the 16th to 2021, I was awoken, I was woken up by a sudden jolt and my heart was racing. As I sat up in bed fully awake, I began to cry out to the Lord to reveal his heart to me concerning the nations. As I prayed for I heard the father whisper if you ask me for bread will I give you a stone or if you ask me for a fish will I give you a snake see Matthew seven nine and10 as I heard the father's question I immediately answered no father and a peace filled my heart I laid back down to sleep as I fell back to sleep I had a powerful dream where I found myself standing in the midst of a massive circus tent as I stood in this strange place in the dream I could see large crowd of people setting in the stands of the circus. The atmosphere in the dream was filled with great expectancy and I had a sense in the dream that I was about to watch something very significant unfold before me. The throne, the three-legged stool and the lion. Now, as I stayed waiting and watching in the dream, suddenly, two bright spotlights came on, flooding the circus arena with light. I looked up and suddenly I saw in the distance looked like a throne. A beautiful gold throne which was covered in glistening red velvet. As I drew closer in dream to the throne, I saw the both the armrests and the thick legs and feet of the throne looked like that of the legs and paws of a lion. The four feet of the throne which looked like the four paws of a lion held four large balls that look like the globe of the earth. Now by just looking at the throne in the dream I could tangibly fill both the power and the authority that the throne represented suddenly in that moment in the dream I heard these words the throne of the Lion King when I heard these words suddenly I noticed another chair which was brought to my attention in the dream as I looked at the other chair I saw that it was a three legged stool which looked almost like a high standing bar stool now as I at the strange three-legged stool, I knew by revelation that this was a type of throne but as I drew closer to it, I heard the words demonic throne of the darkness. I stepped even closer towards the strange looking throne and I immediately noticed a large triangular shaped engraved upon the seat of the three-legged stool. In the middle of the triangle was an eye. As I looked at the triangle and the eye, I heard these words, a triangle and the eye of Leviathan. As these words echoed loudly in the spirit realm, I heard these words. The triangle of Obama, Biden, and Harris. Then again, I heard a love triangle and the eye of Leviathan. Important note, please keep in mind I am not speaking of flesh and blood but rather of demonic spirits that are at work through people. I believe these words were speaking prophetically about a demonic three fold cord at work. I see the spirits of Jezebel, Leviathan, and Ahab. I knew by revelation in the dream that what I was seeing was the throne of the one world order and the all-seen eye that was engraved upon the seat of the three-legged stool was the eye of the dragon. I was standing, looking, and listening intently in the dream. When suddenly the noisy crowd went completely silent silent. And you could have heard a pen drop. The atmosphere and the dream shifted in a tangible sense of the fear of the Lord filled the circus tent. I looked around about me to see what was happening. And I saw a large male lion with a dark with a dark and heavy mane walk slowly into the arena. Following closely behind was a man who was dressed in a purple robe and he held in his hand what looked like a kingly scepter I watched as the beautiful and majestic lion began to walk around the borders of the arena and the man who was dressed in a kingly robe walked towards the gold throne. I stayed watching in the dream finding it hard to take my eyes off the lion. I could see that the eyes of the lion were fixed upon the king as he went and stood beside his throne. The Joker Biden and Queen of Hearts. The king took his place at the throne and suddenly the crowd began to roar with laughter. I could hear the sound of children shouting when suddenly a joker gester came rolling and somersaulting into the circus arena. As I looked at the Joker, I saw to my astonishment that it was Joe Biden and I heard these words, Joker Biden. As I looked at him, I saw that he was fully dressed in a strange green outfit and small bells on his shoes and bells on his hat. I looked in at the Joker and I heard these words in the dream. Watch for now the Joker's balancing act with the queen of hearts and the stolen crown of triumph will take place. Now as those words seem to penetrate my innermost being I saw the Joker fit up or lift up a heavy gold crown into the air for the crowd to see. When he lifted the crowd crown the crowd went crazy. I watched as the Joker began to somersault and roll around the arena with the gold crown in his hands. And then the Joker began to run to and fro around the circus tent as if he was trying to find someone. The crowd was still going crazy laughing and jeering. Then I heard the crowd began to shout out to the Joker. We want the Queen of Hearts. We want the Queen of Hearts. Now as this was all taking place I could see still see the king standing before his throne and the lion was still watching the king while walking around the borders of the arena. Suddenly, I saw a woman run into the circus area dressed like a queen wearing a long white dress and she was waving her hands to the crowds. As I looked at her, I saw that it was Kamala Harris. She had two big red hearts painted upon her eyes and one red heart painted upon her mouth. I heard these words, watch for Kamala will seek to steal the hearts of the people as she wears the stolen crown of the king and you can see that that is on the on the screen there from Jesse Waters show from June the 12th 2thousand twenty-four. As I looked at her she began to laugh and mock the king who was standing by his throne and she began to mock him saying look at look a king without a crown look a king without a crown as she shouted those words the crowds would roar with laughter and the Joker would hold up the stolen crown in a Hands. But then suddenly I watched as the Joker and the Queen of Hearts ran towards each other and the Joker handed the gold crown to the queen of hearts. And she proceeded to climb upon the Joker's shoulders. A balancing act. Then I heard these words. Watch for now the balancing act will begin for those who seek to take the throne. As I heard those words, I watched as the Joker tried to balance the queen of hearts upon his shoulders and the queen of tried to balance the heavy gold crown upon her head. I saw that in the midst of all the chaos that was go that was taking place the king remained standing before his throne and the lion kept walking around the borders of the arena. I watched as both the Joker and the queen tried desperately to gain and maintain their balance as they walked together around the arena but I watched as their movements became more and more challenging especially for the Joker as the long and heavy dress of the queen kept falling down and covering the Joker's face. The dress blinded him and hindered him from moving forward easily. I saw that the Joker's legs were quickly beginning to get weaker under the weight of the queen and the heavy gold crown. And they began to stagger across the floor of the arena. But as I watched this strange and almost undignified balancing act take place. I saw the Joker and the Queen of Hearts begin to make their way towards the three-legged stool thrown. I knew by revelation that the objective and part of their circus act for the crowds was for the Joker and the Queen of Hearts to both hit sit upon the three-legged stool without falling and without dropping the stolen crown. I listened as the crowds were screaming with delight as the Joker and the Queen of Hearts begin to make their way towards the three-legged stool. Now, as they got closer and closer to the stool which was very high, the crowds kept screaming as their anticipation grew more and more desperate for the Joker and Queen to sit upon the three-legged stool or throne. But in the dream, as I looked at the three-legged stool, I knew that the Joker would have to navigate very carefully on how he was going to begin to mount the stool with the queen upon his shoulders. If they were going to be victorious in taking their seat upon the three-legged throne, the Joker would have to be extremely careful not to drop the queen and the queen would have to be extremely careful not to drop the stolen crown. An unstable throne. And then you see another picture there from Jesse Waters that says good luck with both of them Kamala Harris and Biden, Kamala Harris being the queen of hearts and Biden being the Joker. In the dream as I remained watching I saw the Joker and the Queen of Hearts begin to climb up the tall three-legged stool, one world order thrown and I noticed immediately that the stool was extremely unstable and not very strong. The three-legged stool had no supports. There were no armrests, no backing on the chair. This was going to make it extremely difficult for the Joker to mount the stool and the queen and the heavy gold crown bouncing upon his shoulders. I could see that the weight of it all upon his shoulders was now really begin to bear down upon him. But ha, I watched as the queen of hearts begin to beat down upon the head of the Joker as he struggled desperately to climb upon the stool. His legs were shaking violently looking like at any moment his knees were going to buckle underneath of both of them. I saw the queen of hearts beginning to panic all the while trying to desperately hold on to the stolen crown and the Joker looking and more exhausted as he desperately tried to stay standing. The crowds began to scream and shout louder and louder for the Joker to get on with the climb and that he dare not drop the queen in the crown. But then suddenly I watched as both the Joker and the Queen of Hearts were able to mount the were able to mount the three-legged stool after all their desperate efforts. The queen looked somewhat relieved and the Joker looked half dead. But no sooner had the Joker and queen who was still trying to balance the heavy crown upon her head begin to set down upon the three-legged stool throne, I saw one of the legs of the stool suddenly break underneath them. The mighty roar of the lion. The heavy weight of the Joker and the queen and the gold crown was too much for the three-legged stool and I watched as the Joker and the queen fell to the ground with a loud thud. Suddenly, the shouting, screaming crowds deathly silent. You could hear a pin drop and then I saw the gold crown that had fallen to the ground begin to roll across the floor. I watched and listened in utter silence of the arena as the gold crown rolled right across the floor stopping at the feet of the king who was still standing before his throne. Then suddenly I saw the lion stop and he looked at the king and the king looked at the lion and then he bent down and picked up the stolen crown that the Joker had taken. I watched as the king put the crown back upon his own head. As the crown was laid upon the king's head. Suddenly the lion gave out the loudest of roars that caused the ground beneath my feet to shake as the lion roared. I watched as the lion sat down upon his throne. I'm sorry. I watched as the king sat down upon his throne. I woke up from the dream and I began to write down all I had seen and heard. I decree. The power, the power, fragility, and illegitimate authority of the one who sits on the throne of a one-world order is no match for the power, stability, and governmental authority of the one who sets on the throne of the Lion King of Kings. Whoo. Is that powerful? I mean, that is absolutely amazing. So, as you hear that, you can see what's happening. They're trying to get on this one-world order throne that was created but then eventually, the leg breaks and it all falls. The lion roars and the king gets his his crown and sets upon the throne. Alright, I want to play this because I want you to really hold on to this. Listen to what Jesse what Jesse Waters shared on June the 12th 2000 twenty-four about the deck of cards, the Joker and the Queen of Hearts. Check this out. Cards. You don't pick the cards. You play the hand you're dealt. After using up their dictator on day one card and the lock em up card. Democrats are down with only two cards left to play. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. And around the Democrat poker table the question is what's the next play? The obvious answer was Joe Biden. He won them the first poker game. Why not go for a repeat? Problem is everybody sees the play coming. And the Biden card no guarantee. He's lagging with debate prep skipping out on G 7 dinners. And now his son's convictions hanging over his head. Sources inside of the White House tell the New York Times Biden's grown resigned and worried than ever about what the future might hold for his son. And the media is starting to question the play. The people close to him say that this is the thing that more than anything else he wakes up you know if he's briefed by aids on Gaza. The next immediate thing is is about his son or he is constantly in contact with his son. They speak at least once a day. So this is Something that is going to add more weight to the president's mindset. I think it's a very heavy burden and by staying in politics by being as as exposed as they are in some ways, it has put pressures on Hunter Biden and I do think that weighs on the president. Like any poker game, it's all about the odds. A prediction model gives Biden a one in three chance of winning. And after Biden's approval rating just hit an all-time low, even the Democrat numbers guru, Nate Silver, is saying Joe needs to drop out. Or else it's a long shot. Most Americans think if Biden's re-elected he'll die in office. And now the question is do you take the risk? Or do you make a swap? I think a lot of voters have trepidation about whether or not Joe Biden will make it through a second term. And so they tune out these other things. Is this because they have issues about his vice president? I think it's also because they have issues about Kamala Harris coming into the Oval Office. Absolutely. Whether that's racism whether it's because of her track record at not being great on politics. You really think there should be a brokerage convention? Get someone new in? I don't think a brokerage convention right now would require Joe Biden to willingly release but do you think he should? Uh I think we should watch for the first debate. Hm. But what good does a Kamala candidacy do? She's less popular than Biden. And noone thinks she can beat Trump. But she's still here. Because no one's told her no. Or maybe she just won't listen to it. I eat no for breakfast. I don't hear no. And many times in your life you're going to hear no. Someone is going to maybe even many people say to you oh it's not your time. Oh nobody like you has done that before. Oh they're not ready for you. Oh and then I love this next one. Oh that's going to be hard work. Really? Democrats have a better shot of winning the White House with the guy that's about to die than with Kamala. As Makiavelli says in the Prince, to maintain power, you have to be prepared to act immorally when it comes necessary. And that's what the Democrats are preparing to do. Charles Cook in the National Review says Biden's candidacy is nothing more than a decoy. Quote, Biden is operating as a stand-in, a widget, or a McGuffin whose primary is to make it to November 5th of this year without expiring. The most powerful man in the world's been transmuted into little more than a game token in a game that narrows down to this. Biden must win. Because Donald Trump must not. And the only way Biden wins is if he's not seen as too old or too incompetent or too misguided. That means he can't be seen as who he is. So the media has to lie to you about him. The job's simple. Boomerang every Trump attack on Biden to better the odds. For all his calls for President Biden to undergo some kind of cognitive test. It's clear to say Mister Trump's remarks are not at all coherent in these rallies. Mister Trump's remarks have never been super coherent in his rallies. This split screen has always been there. Will always be there. They are different people. It's risky when your candidate looks like this. Even see some black folk on the grass. I need to see some black folk on the grave. Want to love nobody but you I can believe a banning books about black experience in America. She knows she knows so long that she was denied. So plan B change the subject. I think you gotta stop making it about old versus not old versus fit versus unfit. And the ad is very very simple. You keep putting on the graphic fit. And you show Biden giving you know at the State of the Union this one. Unfit. You show you show Trump fit. Unfit. And each one of Trump's is actually very funny. And you go it's all fun games until it comes to nuclear weapons. We can't have unfit. This guy might be a little old but his hand on the button is okay. This guy's hands on the button is not okay. And I would bring it back to literally end of world stuff. Notice how the Democrats still don't have a winning message. It changes every day. And that tells you they're in trouble. As soon as Biden's re-elected Cook says that's when you'll see a shift. Quote 23 seconds after he's won this will change. And when it does the will be astonishing in both speed and scope. Instantly, all of Biden's senile ticks will be visible to all. Within seconds of his inauguration, the scene will begin to cast doubts on the ability of any octagonarian to do such a demanding job and when the last wait falls, it'll become clear as day that Joe Biden wasn't a presidential candidate but a lumbering decoy. The media will turn and the king makers will go to work. Hunter gets pardoned. Biden gets pushed out and the torch gets passed to Kamala Harris in the first year whose presidency will look like this. To aspire to create wealth is a good thing as far as I'm concerned. If that is what one chooses, I, on the other hand, have chosen to live a life of public service. But I am all for any of you. Get yours if that's what you want. Right. We trying. We definitely. And so that's what this tour is about. Every day for four years it'll be a DEI victory. The media will celebrate the first black female president and the deep state will run a muck. Because Kamala is easier to control than Joe. Just like Joe she'll be a McGuffin to Washington's poker game. And when twenty twenty-eight rolls around they can say thanks for playing Kamala. We'd like to introduce you to someone. Maybe you've heard of him. Gavin Newsom. Hey, Sean Hannity here. Hey, click here to subscribe. Man, okay. So, you look at it. It's like, okay, is that the plan of the deep state, the one world order? It goes right along with the prophetic word that we just read but they didn't they did not factor in God, the lion roaring and it breaking. So excited. Is that amazing? Did you see the last picture there of Kamala in that dress with the gold big crown on her head on the card? Like, wow, Alright, God. We are now seeing what was given as a prophetic word in twenty twenty-one. January of twenty twenty-one now coming to fruition in twenty twenty-four as God is saying, I told you then, I'm reminding you now, I am victorious and this is the plan of the enemy. So powerful. One thing I wanted to highlight from there and maybe it'll kind of jump out at you. I don't know if you read it there or heard him say it but he was talking about the media's boomerang strategy and he said, boomerang ever Trump attack on Biden to better the odds. So he's talking about boomerang. Well I want to take you now to the written prophetic report. So go to Prophet Report. com and I want to take you to Diana Larkin, a Watchman's Journal from June the 18th 2000twenty-four. So remember these words, winds of change, maybe write these down, winds of change, tsunamis, and boomerangs. Are you kidding me? So this is what the Lord said. A season of convergence unfolding before you as I work out my rescue operation. You will see the winds of change blowing in the natural and you will fill them in the spirit realm. These winds are shifting the atmosphere by blowing out darkness and releasing the light and frequencies. Remember that word too of heaven. This makes a way for the tsunamis of truth to flood the land and you will see exposure after exposure that not can stop and the lying media will not be able to spin. Are you kidding me? At as the atmosphere shifts and the truth floods in. All the dark schemes and agendas will boomerang back onto those partnered with evil. Yes, this three pronged strategy of the rescue operation is unstoppable because my power and your decrees and declarations are calling forth my powerful winds of change, the flood of tsunamis of truth, and the boomerangs of evil schemes back into the camp of the darkness. Do not fret if it looks like the darkness is succeeding in their evil plots. I am allowing them to position themselves to be out in the open and in an ideal place to be taken suddenly down by the convergence of the winds of change, the tsunamis of truth, and the boomerangs of judgement and justice. I mean you just look at if you remember in that prophetic word she's talking about this gigantic circus tent and everybody was watching what was happening. So God's going to do it at the perfect timing. Alright I want to now take you to Oasis Church June the 16th 2000 twenty-four. So this was past Sunday with Jen Tringle. She was there preaching for Pastor Tim Sheetz. This is really powerful. She's going to again talk about Supernatural timing and heaven, here comes heaven's light brigade. Going back to what we just heard about winds of change and these frequencies. Check this out. Often over the last few months and certainly since the beginning of this year a portion of scripture that if you have been around the body of Christ in church for any number of of years you've heard many times but this particular portion of scripture found in Isaiah 60 in verse one seems to have come into a new version of a Fullness of its moment and I don't know about you but when I hear this verse read in Isaiah sixty in verse one, it carries the tone to me of almost like of a person that's been waiting at a gate at the airport and your flight is being called. It carries the tone of of someone that's been waiting in a waiting room for news and the name you've been waiting to hear is finally being called and the verse Simply says, arise. Arise and shine for your light has come and the glory of the lord is risen upon thee. I hear the tone of this phrase. It's hitting my heart that way that our name is being called that this call to arise has hit the fullness of its moment and I appreciate so much if you haven't gone back and listen to the prophetic word that Pastor Tim gave the last son Day, I would encourage you to go back and listen to that word entitled stop the plan but he reiterated in that word about this supernatural time or as he calls it era that we are living in right now. That plans for this supernatural time we're in are accelerating. They're happening right now he said and even throughout the rest of this year. He went on to say that God is working in us and moving in us because it is time for the action of the authority that God has given us to take a grand center stage in the earth. The prophetic word that he gave really was a word of encouragement but it was a word really to call us to task to ensure that we are being who God called us to be, that we are here being salt and being And I believe that God has some things to say to that particularly in how this plays out in our life. Just probably maybe in the last few weeks here in my own prayer time with the Lord. I was in a place with God and and it was as if I heard a new phrase coming out of the throne room of heaven. And this wasn't necessarily something I heard that God was speaking directly to me or for me. It was as if I was overhearing something that was happening taking place in the throne room of heaven. Then again, just last week as Rachel mentioned, I was out of the country in the nation of Grenada where I had been going for many years ministering there in that nation and and I had just finished meeting there at Saint George's Medical University and as I walked out almost seemingly out of nowhere, the spirit of prayer just came on me and it wound up going into about a 30-minute time of prayer and right at the end of that prophetic prayer time over that that campus in that nation, here came that same phrase again and then again, I heard it this morning and the phrase that I heard sort of being repeated over and over in the throne room of heaven was here comes the light brigade. Here comes heaven's light brigade. And I believe that this is a prophetic word, a continuation of an announcement that heaven is making in line with this Isaiah sixty scripture as he is announcing arise and shine for your Light is come because this is not just an announcement to you and I, the church, this is an announcement to the world as we know it. That heaven is saying to the kingdoms of the Earth. Your light is come and here comes my light brigade. It's interesting because the term light brigade is typically most well known for a poem that was written in 1855 by Alfred Lord Tennison. Some of you that have studied that remember this poem, it was titled The Charge of the Light Brigade and it started with half a league, half a league onward, road the 600. Forward the light brigade, he wrote, charge for the guns he said. This was written about a military brigade that was given a charge that looks seemingly impossible And it was giving them a charge to move into a battle that was really impossible circumstances. And though that particular battle did not turn out as they thought it was written about and sealed in history to commemorate the bold courage and the unfettered willingness of these heroic men to run into the battle anyway. The different between these men that were part of this brigade. They were part of the British Calvary. Their their enemy was the Russian army and they were fighting this battle in in what is known as the Crimean War. The difference between that British Calvary Light Brigade in us today is that their commander was not the God of the impossible and their commander did not give commands like ours that come with clarity and inside in revelation and direction for you and I to know exactly what steps to take and which way that we are to go when you look up this this certain company of a brigade as a military unit we find out something quite interesting. A brigade is is a company of military that organizes with the specific purpose and with a specific type of equipment. It originated as an Italian and a French word and it simply means this, a company that contends. A company that contends and I believe that right now, heaven is saying, here comes my company that contends, here comes my light brigade. As pastor Tim said last week that we are living in a time. We're not trying to ignore it or pretend that it's not happening where there is the presence of gross darkness in the earth but what we are saying is that greater than the presence of darkness, there is an arising of the light of the glory of God. Can I get an amen on that this morning? The truth is that God has always used his forces of sound and light whenever he wanted to deal with, address, or change something in the earth. In fact, it's safe to say to you and I this morning that whatever is going on in your life right now that needs to be changed. Something a situation that needs to be addressed is something that needs to be dealt with, that if you're looking for how God is going to do it, that you should be looking for his supernatural forces of sound and light and we know that he does this because he set the premise for that in the book of Genesis chapter one. It gives us really kind of a sneak peek into how God was going to work in the Earth. How he would move, how he would change things that need to be changed and so we see that that all of a sudden God addresses this state of gross darkness and and the earth with without form and void in the earth and the first thing that happens is there is the sound of God's voice saying what light be light be and so he uses the power of sound and light to do it. So, you and I could say this morning that God is the only thing that predates sound and light. There's nothing that came before sound and light but God. As we read on through Genesis, we find out how he uses these forces of sound and light to deal with things. He begins to deal first with the state of darkness. Later on, In Genesis, he begins to deal with the the presence of evil. This is what God uses to deal with oppressive atmospheres. He uses sound and light to deal with combative situations. Anybody dealing with combative situations in your life this morning. God will use the power of sound and light to address things that are stuck that shut down. Things that are problem filled. He uses sound and light to deal with people and places that are without heaven's vision. God uses the power of sound and light to create new things, to solve problems, to give answers just like we are believing him to do this morning. In the book of Matthew chapter five, Jesus gave us the command, the charge. When he said, you are the light of the world. We can understand that through this phrase Jesus was saying to us, your very presence, prayers, and participation change everything around you and it gives me access to express the father's love through you as a yielded conduit with one hand attaching to the supply of heaven and the other hand aimed at needy humanity. In this announcement, in this phrase, in this era that we're living in, that we've come into a new place, a greater dimension of God's glory being displayed in the Earth as salt and light. I believe that heaven is giving us strategies for what this looks like in our life as we are stepping up to be his light brigade. Number one, it is an announcement that we have come up to a new Level. We've come up to a new level and because of that, in the landscape of your life right now, I want you to survey, take a, take a survey of what you're dealing with and where your life is at right now, knowing in hearing these words from heaven, you've come up to a new level, which means that now in ways it will seem like you are beginning again. It's because at this new level, there's new work to begin. Why? Because at this new level, there's things that you can do better. There's things you can do differently than you did them before and now you can get better results than before. Now, at this new level, you can get more accelerated results. As I heard that phrase come out of heaven, here comes, here comes the light brigade. I heard these words. He said, as you meditate upon me and what I have in this season that you are in, these shifts and adjustments on this new level will wash across your mind and in your spirit and they will seem right and they will usher in new things and change because it will be of me says the Lord. For I have things timed and planned for you even by the end of this year. Proverbs twenty and verse five. It says purpose in the heart of man is like deep water but it says a man of understanding will draw it up. The lord went on for salvation and I speak this this morning. Salvation is coming upon the earth in unparalleled ways. Even as in ancient days, when gross darkness covered the face of the deep and God Prophecies, light be, so now we must speak. For heaven is saying, you will see a cosmic supernatural shift of light strike this Earth as never before seen of my glory and this is the day where nations will come to me even in a day. The lord says that cities will quake and as quake, the corruptors will run out of them for justice, my justice is arising. My justice is striking the earth for this day. This day that is the day of the lord, this day that is the day of heaven's light brigade. Hallelujah. Heaven's light brigade so good. I wanted to highlight what God said through Jen where he said, he uses both sound and light and the power of them to address problems that are without heaven's vision which there were so many things that go along with what we're seeing right now. Heaven is giving us strategies. So, she really covered the aspect of the light being part of this light brigade that God is putting together but we're going to hear from Robin where he talks about the sound. So, God says through him that there is a sound rising in the earth and he even talks about Ukraine There's some notes here I would take because there's specific things you're going to hear about again. You're going to hear about that from Julie Green about Ukraine and what's getting ready to happen there and then there's a couple messages in tongues that he interprets that is so powerful. Check this out. Come on, let's lift our hands and worship. Come on, we thank God for even a sound in the earth. Your sound is going out into all the creation. Let it be heard. Praise him in other tongues. Come on begin to speak in other tongues wherever you are. For I heard the Lord say today. About to expose Ukraine in a very unusual way. Ships are slashing in the ocean coming up on your shores but they have all forgotten that I am the lord and as you cry to me, I will answer you and I will deliver you out of your plights. Come on and lift up your war cry and do not be afraid of a spiritual fight. Use my word. Put it in your heart and mouth. Speak it out with authority. For this is the day. This is the day. Take my hand says the Lord. It's you and me. We're going to win. We're going to fight. We're going to win. We're going to have a great victory. Come on, do you believe that? New York it. Give the lord all your of Walk in the light as I am in the light says the lord. Walk in the light. The light of my word. The light of my eternal goodness. Walk in this light and I'll be able to show you things you've never seen. Let you do things you've never done and go places you've never been but walk in this light. Walk in the light of the absolute goodness and I'll show you my absolute goodness in the land of the living but walk in the light. Don't dabble in darkness or try to live in darkness. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. I don't know how For I'm waking up a tribal spirit within my people. I'm going to wake up a tribal unction within their hearts and they'll begin to speak unctions and sounds and words for people far too long have tried to pet religion and pet the head of tamed lions and tamed things but I am not tamed says the lord. I am wild. I am wild and I want you to be wild with me. Come and run in the wind with me. Hold on to my man and I'll you through time. Hold on to me and I'll take you through to your destiny and you'll see a future that you only ever even dreamed existed but the lord said, I am the fulfillment of dreams. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Oh for the auction. Wow. The auction. How long will people stink with the saff of religion? How long will you judge the God of the Bible by your religion and rules? How long will you change the pages of the holy writ to satisfy your religious fears? How long says the lord will this go on? How long will it go on and you wonder why you go down in defeat? You go down in defeat because you have no power in your bosom. You have nothing embraced within yourself where you have an auction of the Holy Ghost. You stifle the auction I give you and yet I call you to preach from the rooftops what you've heard in the in secret. But nay says the Lord you don't. Begin to let the unction go. Let it move. Move to my impulse. Be animated by my spirit and I will show you your expected end. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Now, I want to read you something that the lord begin to deal with me about the other day and this is a very strategic moment and he says these words, the life of a prophet must never be forgotten for what it is. It is a special call. It is a call from heaven that is selfless. Now, now now listen to all of this. It proclaims things popular and unpopular alike. It is celebrated when it is popular, when it's a popular decree, and it's cursed when it's unpopular. But those who still revere it even when it is an unpopular decree are those who actually really and truly want to hear what God is saying. A prophet must remember, you are not your own. You are an officer the court of heaven. You bring the court of Jehovah into the earth for God himself to try kings and high political figures. You are a voice of hope to the people to let them know that God has not forgotten them and that their appeal to heaven was heard. You are required Now, you are revered by the righteous kings who really want to know the will of God and to see it done. While you are hated by unrighteous kings that God is getting in the way of their unrighteous agenda. You are a voice of the harvest yet to come. This is speaking to prophets now in the mantle of prophets. You are a voice of God's love to warn the people of what's coming so that they can either stop it or get out of the way of it. When a prophet begins to be interested in ecclesiastical favors and stops rejecting them, they have utterly failed God and his people. When a prophet starts apologizing for the word of the lord, then they cheapen and weaken. They weaken and cheapen the great call of the prophet. You must stop prophesying for popularity and relishing in your own popularity and cry and weep in gratitude to God that he chose you to put that mantle on you. Your satisfaction is in that you heard God. To violate these things, you will have abandoned your post and failed your nation and God's people. To say we must use wisdom is more often than not a cop out. At the voice of fear that you may become unpopular. If this is the case, then you have used this great mantle of a prophet to fill your interest. Fear hides behind this mindset. And what you greatly fear will come upon you. In the modern world in which we live, there are still a few things that remain unchanged. Things like the shape of a ball, walking, sitting down, laughing, eating, basic designs such as a wheel. Things like lift, thrust, drag, and weight still govern flying. No matter how sophisticated the airplane or aircraft may be, it's still governed by these principles. Gravity is another. The need for rest. The need for rest. In the modern world, you can run the maze of religion. All these things are still required in this modern age and in this modern age, you can run the maze of religion and get all tangled up in the metaphysical cults and false religions of the world but in the end, the one fact remains that you must be reconciled to God and entails you receiving God's one and only way to do that and that is accepting Jesus Christ as your lord and personal savior second Corinthians 521 this will never change another thing is the five-fold ministry prophesied by the tabernacle of Moses when God told Moses to hold the truth gate the curtain that led to the holy place in the tabernacle he said is to be held up by five post the five-fold ministry. One of those includes the office of the prophet. This mantle does not change from the Old Testament to the New Testament. Only grace is factored in. Prophets must still be held by their own heart to the high standard of the call placed upon them. And not care if popularity plays a role in it or not. One prophet sent by Elisha to anoint Jehu He did it and then ran out and we really don't even know his name. Elisha refused at times to receive an offering. He was bold to kings and other prophets alike. When he was asked by the other prophets, you know that your master will be taken away from your head today. The prophet Elisha replied, boldly, yeah, I know it. Hold your peace. May the office of the prophet be walked in the tradition set forth by God himself for the prophets to be honored by them. Let this be said as Peter and John said to those who asked them and wanted to criticize them and persecute them. He said, ask yourselves, is it better to obey men or God? When the time comes to graduate, we must leave as Isaiah did a legacy for the next generation of prophets to follow as an example. To the prophets who have apologized, you were judged by those who were not prophets or who were misguided prophets. You must come back and build your house by the Jordan. You have operated on borrowed things and you forgotten how to fell a tree. And the borrowed axe head has flown off and now lies sunk into the mud at the bottom of a spiritual river. Watch Elisha's throw the stick into the water again and see once again just how supernatural the prophet's mantle is. I truly hope you will. Wow. Okay so we're going to dig deeper into this whole thing about the prophetic. The line that I really took from that is be careful not to cheapen and weaken the Office of the Prophet. So Mike Thompson on June the 9th 2thousand and twenty-four he was doing a sermon but in part of that sermon he put the prophetic word in the sermon It was very well done, read subscription, and then did it and it's called Eli is Dying and Samuel is rising. Check this out. I'm going to do something a little differently today. I'm going to release this word as we go through the scripture. I'm going to read the first 20 verses. Hallelujah. Lord God in the name of Jesus I pray that the spirit, the anointing of the prophetic that is on this word would leap off of the pages would be used by the spirit of God to impact our hearts and for us to see what you are doing in America today in the world today We thank you for that. Hallelujah. In verse one, it says, then the boy Samuel ministered to the lord before Eli and the word of the lord was rare in those days. There was no widespread revelation. What we find is that because of the approach of Eli and it and for us today in this sermon, Eli represents that part of the church that has denied the revelation of God that in many ways have been affected by worldliism by empathy and just figures that because they have a relationship with God that's good enough and nothing else matters that allows the kind of sin and disrespect the God in service to the lord to come into the church there's much of it that's in the United States today now you've heard me say so many times it's easy for us to see what the devil is doing outside of the church it's easy for us to look at the nation It's easy for us to label such things as demonic or wicked or evil and it shouldn't go that way and that's absolutely correct by the way. I want you to know but it's a little bit harder for us than to look at and to judge the church itself and the church has been invaded by the kind of leftist immoral what I'm going to call Jezebelism and remember Jezebel name is worshiper of Baal. We're talking about Baalism. There's a lot of Baalism in America and I tell you what, it gets confusing. If you just look at in the natural realm, everything that's going on in America and indeed in western civilization and around the world, you look at it and it's just like the spirits are innumerable. You know, how do you define this? You you you look and you go, oh well, you know, that's a spirit sexual perversion and then you look at this and you go well that's a spirit of anti Christ or and and you know communism and socialism Marxism atheism you know all of these different things that are going on and it seems at the forefront to be rather confusing but what lord spoke to me in 2000 right around 2006 and he said I want you to pay attention to and to rise up and to begin to combat the ruling political spirit of Jezebel in America and at that point under his admonition I then began to see what he was talking about that probably what I would call the leading spirit in whatever hierarchies you remember that there are in the spiritual realm different hierarchies even in Satan's kingdom it may be wicked but it's organized. And so there are different forms and different leaders there's a ruling political spirits that are involved we see it in Daniel 10 when he talks about the changing of governments first of all that the angelic armies have to defeat the spirits that are over that government in order to change the government that's a lot of what's going on in America right now because the demon that the lord has had me addressing now since two thousand six. You're talking about 18 years now is the ruling political spirit of Jezebel in our nation. Jezebel It's anti Christ. It's wicked. It manifests in so many forms. Eli represents the part of the church that has given way to Jezebel. Eli himself may have appeared to be righteous. I mean, even look, he agreed with Hannah in her prayer and petition before God that God would give her a son. He himself was not the one who was abusing the people and their sacrifices. He didn't have the sexual immorality. He looked righteous. He looked good. He was the high priest. His present before the people seemed right but God knew his heart and God knew what he was allowing to come into the nation and there has been a spirit of Eli if you will that has been in the church of the lord Jesus Christ in America that has allowed the worldliism to come in even though they look good. That has allowed The glory of God to be lifted. That has allowed the revelation of God and the word of the lord to diminish you'll find I could I could think of at least half a dozen major times in the Old Testament where it says that there was a drought of the word of the lord. Eli was born into such a time. There was no widespread revelation. Meaning, revelation of scripture. That was one of the reasons why he instituted the learning of scripture in the School of the Prophets. But it was also no widespread prophetic revelation because the prophets were not honored. And many of the prophets were giving fleshly soulish prophecies giving way to whatever pressures that were upon them they were not accurately connecting with some of them but those who were true were giving the word of the lord and the word of the lord in both of those cases scripture adherence to scripture and prophetic revelation had diminished to where it was not considered to be widespread it was here and there I'm telling you in America there's always been a remnant that there's always been those who have held to the word of God and to prophetic revelation but the lord spoke to me and he said in this day and hour I have given a Samuel anointing to reintroduce prophetic revelation into the land and that's why you find that over the last 20 years actually a longer than that that there has been what's called the prophetic movement. The prophetic movement is the rise of Samuel. Why? Because it had to come in and save not only the body of Christ but our nation from what Eli had allowed. Eli is religionism. Eli is fleshly works without spiritual returns. Eli is based upon a mental acceptance of scripture without spiritual revelation of what the lord wants. Mental cerebral memorization of scripture. Does not release the kingdom unless the inspiration of the spirit of God is within it and releases the spiritual dynamic of revelation that changes hearts and indeed even changes the world around us. Therein lies the power of the holy one and that's why I'm saying to you right now is that the Samuel anointing is here. The lord spoke to me in twenty 10. You know that. That's what this book is all about right here. Third Heaven Authority. Discover how to pray from heaven's perspective. When I wrote this book, it was based upon that vision that I'm telling you about right now or that encounter where the lord took me to third heaven and while I was there, he taught me many things but he gave an assignment to me and he said, teach people third heaven authority. Why? Why? That's one of the crux of this entire sermon right now. Why am I getting into all of this right now? It's connected with teaching on third heaven authority. It's connected with teaching on what's going on in the spiritual realm and what I am in this sermon today to calling the Samuel anointing. It's a Samuel church. It's a Samuel army. It's a Samuel ministry that's rising up right now. In other words, it's the prophets. It's a prophetic revelation that are no longer sitting back where there's no widespread revelation and there's a lot of people I say, oh what do you mean by that? There's churches all over the nation right now and they all follow the Bible. Okay. That didn't mean anything to me. I want to know what revelation is. Now, I'm not disrespecting. I'm not minimizing in any way. I love the whole body of Christ. But what I am saying is that there has to be an encounter of the Holy Spirit. The breath of the holy one coming upon the body of Christ in a way that Samuel prophetic revelation drives us and that there is widespread revelation of God and that's what's happening in these days. There are a lot of people that have just sat back and have have poo pooed, criticized, condemned, cursed. Those who have risen up in the Samuel anointing. I know you probably have. I have. It's probably not a day goes by that there isn't somebody, you know, I'm talking about Christians. I'm not talking about the weird trolls out there that aren't born again and the Satanists and and you know all those people that attack Christian Christian ministries I'm talking about believers that rise up and it's not just me everybody gets it who is doing the prophetic work of the lord and they come against and they curse They openly curse. I curse you. For your being a false prophet I hope you die. All forms of persecution from Christians. Now, it's not woe as me, like I said, so many people get it but here's the thing that I know and I understand. In 2010, when the lord gave me that encounter, took me to third heaven, the assignment to teach people third heaven authority. He said this, he said, from this point forward, the veil between the physical and the spiritual realm will seemingly grow thinner. Supernatural encounters will increase. My people in the body of Christ will see a sharp increase in visions and dreams, prophetic revelation angelic visitations. Experiences where they're caught into the spirit and many of them even caught into third heaven itself. He said, it's going to increase dramatically and I've watched it from 2010 all the way up to now 20 twenty-four and it has increased every week. It keeps growing. Why? Because there was a seed that was implanted in the body of Christ in 2010. Don't anybody misunderstand me. I understand I've been stopping and trying to qualify things a lot. Maybe I shouldn't but I don't want people to misunderstand. I know that prior to twenty 10, Jesus was here. The church is growing. The Holy Spirit Is moving. Signs, wonders, all of those different things. People getting baptized in the Holy Spirit. What I'm telling you though is that because of the appointed time, there was no widespread prophetic revelation. A lot of Bible teaching, a lot of experiences. How do I say this? Lord, I'm going to quit trying. You know what I'm talking about. There was a seed of Samuel placed within the body of Christ to meet the need for the prophetic revelation to be restored in the church and at that point, it has grown and grown and grown. Why? Because number one, it's the way God intended for it to be all along. I really believe that. It's restorative by nature. The enemy tries to steal things, rob things from the church here and there and everything going on just like you know, the Philistines that robbed the, we may not even make past verse one today. Who knows? And to to rob and take the ark in the presence of God from Israel. You know, the enemy tries in so many different ways but Samuel is an anointing that God seeded into the church to release the prophetic revelation. Indeed to restore the prophetic revelation to the body of Christ. Praise God. That's happening now. Eli is dying and Samuel is rising. The way that the lord spoke to me About it is that what caused the revelation of the lord to diminish in the body of Christ thereby allowing all of the stuff in the world and in our nation, did you hear what I said? I don't want to be too condemnatory. It's not just cut and dried. And that it's the body of Christ's fault. I mean, there is a Satan but the body of Christ did allow a lot of this stuff that we're facing right now because they denied the prophetic revelation and the lord said that with the seed of Samuel anointing that I placed in the body of Christ in 2010 and the increase of revelation that has been coming forth is to counteract that and bring the church back to a place to where it has the ultimate control over America and in nations around the world. Eli is dying and Samuel is rising. Wow. So powerful. Okay, I want to highlight that prophetic revelation in prayer through something we call word of knowledge and that means let's say that you're praying and you can specifically know something about someone, maybe a health condition or something they're experiencing because God let you know that that was happening in their body that's called a word of knowledge and when that happens, then you can pray specifically for that person. Um Hank Kunaman that last he did it last Sunday June the 16th 2000 twenty-fourat the 9 AM service he was prophetically praying and then words of knowledge came you're going to be able to see just a little portion of that but you can go back and watch the full service where he actually was calling out specific things in the audience of this is something if you're in this side of the room there's someone over here on this side of the room that's experiencing this and then he'd be like there's somebody on the side of the room that's experiencing that that is words of knowledge and that is prophetic Revelation in prayer. Check this out. How many of you are here or those of you that are watching and and you just feel like the devil's been pushing you around? You feel some kind of attack, it's okay. Against your life, maybe it's against your family, against your finances, maybe it's against your health. But I want to tell you something. Goliath was running his mouth 40 days and 40 nights nonstop to the point where it scared and paralyzed one of the greatest armies on the face of the earth and nobody wanted to do anything but David said something and he had a slingshot and what did he say do you remember he said who is this watch this uncircumcised Philistine in others he's saying who is this is violating my covenant Who is this that's trying to challenge my body when Yeshua healed me? Who is this that's trying to attack me when God has given me the victory through the blood of Yeshua? Who is this that is trying to divide my marriage? Who is this that is trying to attack my finances? The God of provision has already made the way. Some of you, you need to take your slingshot. And it's in your mouth and you need to use it and say who are you you foul devil come on those of you that are watching who are you you foul uncircumcised devil you are challenging my covenant and you lose because the covenant has already been sealed and ratified by Yeshua's blood You know what David did? He slung that slingshot and that rock took him out. But you think there was just a rock that took him out? Come on. There was something divine connected to it. And it was when David reminded God of his covenant. Come on what happened with Elijah when the false prophets of Baal and Jezebel come on we're seeing the same thing fake news lies deception the media the Jezebel spirit that thinks it can take control you remember what Abraham prayed before the fire fell he said I speak to the God of Abraham Isaac and of Jacob what was he doing he was remind God that there is covenant positional power to defeat every assignment and devil and to wipe them out. I want you that are under some kind of assignment right now. Just lift up your hands. If you're here and I want someone to touch touch them. Just put your hand on them. I want to pray for you and I'm going to pray for those that are that are watching right now. Come on, I want you to pray for those people as if you are under attack and I want you to speak the blessing. Father, we speak over every person right now that their hands are right. You can you can you can put your hands down so you don't get tired. I want you to listen to them pray for you and those of you that are right now. I speak and I declare who are these uncircumcised devils? Who are these demons that come to challenge our covenant? Who and what are these incantations that think that they could arise against us at this time. We call upon the very God of our covenant to come and to sever to destroy every satanic altar where our names are being mentioned and we call on the fire of God himself. Destroy those incantations and to destroy every assignment through the anointing of the spirit of God that destroys every yoke and undoes every heavy burden we command every giant to fall we command every assignment to be rendered powerless and we call upon the God of our covenant the God of Abraham the God of Isaac the God of Jacob and of the lord Jesus Christ Yeshua and we speak health. We speak wholeness. We speak life. We speak preservation, deliverance, victory, prosperity. Oh father, we lose it now upon the people. Touch em through your grace, through your mercy, and by the help of your hand that is not too short that it cannot help them or save them. We say from this moment forward, the heads of the giants are cut off. They say satanic onslaughts and assignment are rendered powerless. We rebuke every tracking spirit and we command it to be severed and stopped. The Lord rebuke you Satan. The Lord rebukes you every devil. Now get out of their bodies. Get out of their minds. Get out of their finances. Get out of their homes, their marriage, get away from their children. Get away from their vehicles and their possession we stop you we resist you we rebuke you in the name of our lord God Yeshua and I speak from this moment forward The blessing of God prevails. And every assignment is no m
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