Dawnbreaker // Strength of Passion

7 months ago

And He said unto them
"Go Ye into all the world
And preach the gospel to every creature
He that believe
And is baptised shall be saved
But he that believeth not be damned"

Strength of Passion, a sacrifice to free the world

The snake tricked man to sin
And curse his bloodline to doom
But by the same law of God
Christ's sacrifice freed all!

Strength of Passion, a sacrifice to free the world
Strength of Passion, redemption by the blood of God!

Thank You for Your sacrificе O Lord
To free us from torment of sin
For the wages of sin is dеath
And from our sin our blood depraved
Forgiveness only with the shed of blood
But the blood of a prophet
Can cover every sin across all time

We only need to believe
That His sacrifice has made us free!
I believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God!

Mark 16:15-16, Acts 8:37

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