重磅揭露中国特工在海外的神秘任务丨四角方圆 | ABC中文,A major reveal of the mysterious missions of Chinese agents overseas | Four Corners | ABC Chinese

7 months ago

In the first public remarks by an agent from China's First Public Security Bureau, he revealed the workings of Beijing's notorious secret police, the most powerful branch of the country's intelligence apparatus. This episode of Four Corners follows the agent's illegal, covert operations overseas and his pursuit of dissidents in Australia, Canada, India, Cambodia and Thailand.

In a major investigative report by Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) reporter Echo Hui, the agent known as Eric took great risks to peel back the veil and uncover the truth, exposing China’s use of its global intelligence network to conduct operations over the past 15 years. Tracking methods such as surveillance, suppression, and kidnapping are used to target “enemies of the state” in the eyes of the Chinese government and President Xi Jinping.

He described his dual identity and the secrets he had long guarded, including the inner workings of the secret police, which used overseas companies as cover to lure targets to Southeast Asian countries for arrest, and the technical means to track those targets. These details raise serious questions about China's global influence and Australia's national security.

在澳大利亚广播公司(ABC)记者Echo Hui的一篇重大调查报道中,这位名叫埃里克(Eric)的特工冒着巨大风险,揭开了面纱,揭露了真相,揭露了中国在过去15年里利用其全球情报网络进行活动的事实。 。监视、镇压、绑架等追踪手段被用来针对中国政府和习近平主席眼中的“国家敌人”。


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