The Earth Mother and Silver Dragon Energy Vlog

8 months ago

The Earth Mother and Silver Dragon Energy Vlog title is from the date July 15, 2024 thus we have 30 which adds to #3 the Empress card the divine female full of grace adn fecundity the Earth mother as an archetype. The Silver Dragon is from the Dragon Oracle deck is here to bring out yo9ur higher potential.

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure news showed us an amplitude power of 8 thus strength card let us be strong and brave as we faceour inner demons. The quality is a power of 6 the Lovers card a Harnous relationship in balance and intuitive. The Frequency average is 7.94hertz thus # 20 The judgement card anser the clarion call to announce the judgementat the end of the age of Pisces. Therefore, we can say: The Empress advise the lover to be strong and brave as we face the Judgement at the end of the Aeon.

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