i would not be doing this if it weren't for fiona apple

7 months ago

man this ginger is amazing, i wish i could share it w/ you
ginger clears your palet
i couldn't find my mosquito repellent
this has been helping me a lot as of late
grounding/earthing reduces inflammation
the west loves their false promises n pretend remedies
if the worst that happens is name calling then i'd say that's pretty good
i learned from fiona apple what to expect
the poem when the pawn is amazing
that really is her best album
emotional intelligence is undervalued
those that inspire you were made by God
i'm satisfied knowing that God is pleased w/ this
the internet is a very strange place
if you are mean i will pray for you
wokeness ain't about identity, it's about gullibility
all this stuff is connected
you're less likely to abuse sumin if you know what it's for
they (powers at be) want you to be depressed
good things don't seem to motivate me
contrary to my internet presence i really lack motivation
resilience not resistance (resistance never works)

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