Part 9 Aperture Peep Sight for the 10/22 Takedown

8 months ago

AmbGun 10/22 Takedown Build Series in Shorts

Thanks Keltec for the SU16d pic rail peep sight

KelTec Peep diameter is .14. I wanted .070 max…so

Drilled out peep with #11 bit
Tapped with 12-40
Threaded up Skinner .070 aperture
Probably should have gone with extended aperture for a bit more threads and to shift aperture rearward a bit…

Zeroing for elevation was quick with the Tech Sights front sight tower. It took a bit more trial and error to nail the windage…loosening the phillips head screw on one side and tightening on the other to shift the peep. About 20 rounds and I had it dialed.

Proceeded to do an AQT
Offhand I scored a 47 out of 50 with all hits in the black although one was close.
Squatting (not an official Project Appleseed position, but more tactically useful than sitting on ass) scored a 43.
Stage 3 rapid fire prone, a 45…really good scores so now I’m nervous for the slow fire prone
worth double points. Shot an 88. Total score of 223 is my best ever shooting without a sling. I’d say building a pic rail aperture peep sight proved worthwhile.

Check out the Ambgun 10/22 Takedown Build in Shorts series and parts list. Link in the description.

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