[OC MUSIC] Dumb it Down (RAP, R&B, FUSION)

7 months ago

A lot of people told me to dumb down my music, so I made my first fully original track in a way everyone can understand!

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(Verse 1)


Here we go again

Buncha mother fuckers say I need to dumb down my shit

so I wrote this song in crayon tryin to get down with it

to get the proper mindset I scribbled on the page

and I gave it a sniff, gave it a lick, then I smashed my head with a brick

still didn't reach their level

What could I do?

It's almost like they're mindless fuckin stooges

of a corporation with no association

to the human race

racin around and around with no destination

when you run in a circle with the lemming pack

all you really get is some mother fucker up your ass

followed by another and another right behind that

almost like their all the same

Imagine that

When we were younger they said "Go and break the mold"

Now the only line they sell is:

"Do as you're told! Better not leave that lane my friend, or you're never gonna get too far!

If you really wanna be yourself, dear boy, just stay where you are!"

(Verse 2)
Can't say I don't get it, but I feel like the fans don't need to be talked at condescendin'.

Like a bunch of little kids eatin lead paint, "It is what it is"

Mother fucker no it ain't

when you dumb it down, that's what you say you think about:

Every single person that put you where you are now!

What can I say?

It sounds fuckin cruel, stayin in your lane when you're runnin out of fuel

about to breakdown

break it down

I'll make it real simple:

If I dumb it down, like a clown

it's a clear signal

that I don't give a fuck about nothin but a dollar sign

givin up the grind, sellin out, and gettin what's mine

maybe that's why I'll never get a label

I just bring too much flavor to their salty ass table

and I think for myself

that's a fuckin crime

Can't fit in if you're steppin out of line

When we were younger they said "Go and break the mold"

Now the only line they sell is:

"Do as you're told! Better not leave that lane my friend, or you're never gonna get too far!

If you really wanna be yourself, dear boy, just stay where you are!"

(Verse 3)
They say, "Dumb it down to connect:

nothin sells better than bling, violence, and sex"

if you're not playin their game, there's no hope to progress

you're just another name to be crossed of the list

they know you got dreams, but they can't sell those

if it don't include: bangin, drug dealins, and hoes yo

if you're brave enough to think for yourself

the only way to win: be somebody else

When we were younger they said "Go and break the mold"

Now the only line they sell is:

"Do as you're told! Better not leave that lane my friend, or you're never gonna get too far!

If you really wanna be yourself, dear boy, just stay where you are!"

(Verse 4)
Gotta dumb it down for the word to spread around

that the status symbols are more important that the sound

of imagination takin flight, and breakin free

don't need innovation when the world's on it's knees

another shiny object to distract the teaming masses

from the fact that they've been left out in the cold, on their asses

by the same corporations that sold them the lie:

It's better to be caged

than spread those wings and fly

released July 10, 2024
Cory Harrison did this... all of it
all rights reserved

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