EF Racing CSR2 - Camaro SS 7.73 Extra Fusions Shift & Tune

7 months ago

(1/2m Update Soon) This Shift/Tune is very early and may change:

Get the Car:
Line App: dommods - Mention this video to get it for $5

Join EF Racing:
Requirement - EF Car for at least 1 of the seasons SD
Line App: xaber.rebax

Have been asked a few times if I use Auto Touch, I do not this is a non JB iPad as shown in other videos. Not that I couldn’t Lua script something or get my G15 out of storage it’s just not what I want to do.

I will be providing the EF Cars for SD’s to my crew. Stop playing with yourself all season with 2 F1’s to win a car that will never make top 100 in SD even if you win Podium!

My crew will never win the car from the game, if you want one of the cars you can add it yourself and I expect you to EF it and share the tune after.

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