A Discussion on the Differences Between Democrats & Republicans | Just Hear Me Out

6 months ago

Politics has changed DRASTICALLY lately. Before, each of the major political parties used to stand for a certain economic viewpoint. However, lately, things have aggressively changed from that to socio-economic views, with Republicans being the party of values, conservatism, normalcy and religion, where Democrats are the party of sin, gayness, liberalism and debauchery of self and society.

Yet, despite Liberals being sinners (and in the minority of the US populous), their ideas have widespread throughout our country, to the point where opposing them is seen as bad. They can oppose religion and conservatives all they want and it's "ok", but as soon as someone with a sound mind says something, they're an "extremist", they're Facist, racist, etc. It makes no sense and is literally insane.

All this brings me to my main point, which has to do with recent events on Saturday July 12, at 6:11pm: a loser, psychotic, brainwashed 20 year old attempted to assassinate the GOP front runner Donald Trump. These are the actions ONLY leftists do, yet somehow, we're the bad guys. Did right wingers burn down a city? No. Have we tried to assassinate Biden? Nope. I mean, those type of thoughts don't even cross our minds! I'm one of the biggest Biden haters out there, but all I say is he needs to retire and live out the rest of his days in a retirement home watching Price is Right! I've never said (nor would I say) that he should be executed!

Circling back to earlier comments, how is it that conservatives, right wingers and Republicans have been deemed "bad" when it's the Leftists, liberals and Democrats who are sinners, corrupt and insane?

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